Can confirm, triggered BLI_assert(index < this->size())
Crashed within Solidify modifier in this case.
blender.exe!_BLI_assert_abort() Řádek 47 C
Separate by loose parts does duplicate the object with it's data. There was about 100MB of data in custom properties.
Closing, since this is not a bug.
I don't quite think it's a bug, it's design issue, which I am not sure if was thought about. Will confirm to defer to @JosephEagar.
Not sure if I would call this a bug, but can confirm.
Checked the code, and it doesn't consider overridden ID as linked. This could be achieved with bpy.ops.outliner.id_operation()
To me it looks, that overridden ID's are a bit harder to…
@Krzysztof-Deoniziak Easyest way to force Blender to quit is to kill it with task manager. I have tried that, but it opened different file when wanted to recover session.
Not sure how autosave…
Thanks for update, will close then. Please create new report for crash with all necessities to reproduce.
I guess relevant sequence is:
wm_event_do_handlers: Handling event
wmEvent type:171/UNKNOWN, val:1/PRESS, prev_type:1/LEFTMOUSE, prev_val:2/RELEASE, modifier={}, keymodifier:0, flag:{},…
Thanks for info. Still can't reproduce. Please check if this happens with alpha build from Also click on Help > Save System Info and upload saved file.
Please update GPU driver and re-check. 456.71 is too old.
Does this happen when you click on File > Defaults > Load Factory Settings?
I can confirm, not sure why #103722 is closed though.