For the already broken sculpt-bug1.blend
I am getting
`ERROR (bke.mesh): source/blender/blenkernel/intern/ mesh_validate_customdata: CustomDataLayer type 48 has some…
If I understand correctly, this can be closed then @AlvinNashifMagarang ?
Wil do so, but feel free to comment again if issues persist.
Can confirm the behavior, a bit of a grey area between bug and request for better behavior, but will keep for now. (might be tricky to determine how to offset these in a meaningful way).
Cannot repro in a simple test. Please share a simple .blend file where this happens (preferably with the vertices already selected
Could you also check in 4.3 which was just released?
@howardt : opinions? CC @HooglyBoogly
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Fix is up, see !130587
Got a fix, will post shortly
Will check further
This broke between 3.3 LTS and 3.4
First findings:
- happens with any modifier
- does not happen if the modifier gets renamed in the Properties Editor