maylog maylog
  • Joined on 2018-07-19
maylog closed issue blender/blender-addons#105001 2023-11-15 07:12:50 +01:00
Cell Fracture plugin does not work under blender 4.0.
maylog opened issue blender/blender-addons#105001 2023-11-15 07:07:47 +01:00
Cell Fracture plugin does not work under blender 4.0.
maylog opened issue blender/blender-addons#105000 2023-11-15 07:01:15 +01:00
Cell Fracture plugin does not work under blender 4.0.
maylog opened issue blender/blender#112120 2023-09-08 07:57:32 +02:00
When rotating the rigify bone and then pressing CTRL+Z, the bone group is lost
maylog opened issue blender/blender#112118 2023-09-08 07:25:43 +02:00
Bone layer lost when subdividing rigify bones
maylog opened issue blender/blender-addons#104537 2023-04-11 07:46:26 +02:00
pose_library:When the Asset Browser exists in the window, pose assets cannot be created
maylog opened issue blender/blender#106624 2023-04-06 15:34:40 +02:00
When the Asset Browser exists in the window, pose assets cannot be created
maylog closed issue blender/blender#106614 2023-04-06 09:51:58 +02:00
When you try to customize an asset image in Asset Manager, the program crashes
maylog commented on issue blender/blender#106614 2023-04-06 09:51:56 +02:00
When you try to customize an asset image in Asset Manager, the program crashes

After testing, simply restoring the initial settings solved the problem.

maylog commented on issue blender/blender#106614 2023-04-06 09:51:55 +02:00
When you try to customize an asset image in Asset Manager, the program crashes

After testing, simply restoring the initial settings solved the problem.

maylog opened issue blender/blender#106614 2023-04-06 08:47:23 +02:00
When you try to customize an asset image in Asset Manager, the program crashes