Hans is not at work right now.
@aras_p If this has worked before, is it high priority regression?
If you point out the fact that this node is very similar to the Closest Neighbors node (#110675), then it turns out that this is not a real practical application node, but just a way to output the…
@mont29 I still able get an assertion in today's lite debug build (branch: main, commit date: 2023-08-08 13:55, hash: e1b1b2a8b4a5
@LukasTonne The null in the name indicates the end-of-line terminal. It's still a wrapper for real strings only.
For me, the result looks incorrect, the normals should not distort the texture, i think. But for cycles, it's also a regression. But the bug was before that and in eevee.
Should I confirm that Alt + 3
does nothing for me?
Not a bug, but an error in the node tree. There are several of them:
- In the first few bounces, the normal is reflected. Ray directed in the other direction.
- You first update the position…