I was able to achieve a 2.4 gain with only multi-step sorts. Probably, if memory was dear to us, then this would be a solution. But we want speed (since the speed of cpu grows more slowly than…
But this is difficult) First of all, this can not be done here, because in theory, this is only for discussion of design. Then, this can't be done on the forum, as it's also discussion-only. May…
Thanks for the other option, I'll try it out as well. Small addition: I improved the Point to Curve node today, and also applied this technique with sorting iota-groups. Apparently, separating…
returns incorrect values for shading
The volume doesn't inherit the mesh's attributes, does it?
returns incorrect values for shading
It's a built-in render attribute, no?
Application examples, community interest And I should probably do a couple of implementation updates..
Hello, thanks for the report. Please reproduce the bug with less than 10 nodes and submit the file.
Still looks like a task for a dependency graph. Previews should not be very different from the subdivision, on editors with different settings and if there is a shared ownership.
Also, it would be good to point out things that are not so clear to those who are not related to shaders: Who owns the preview. Material? In that case, updating the preview is part of the…