Iliya Katushenock mod_moder
  • Russian
  • Just student

  • Joined on 2019-01-20
Iliya Katushenock commented on pull request blender/blender#126411 2024-08-19 19:58:00 +02:00
Volumes: improve file cache and unloading

+1, also + to use static_assert for check that type is trivia;/lock-free (not sure if this really will pretext us from non-trivial implementation of the class).

Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#126490 2024-08-19 19:38:30 +02:00
Node will not be copied if node tooltip is visible

Issue is in UI handling of user input while showing tooltip and this is not limited by the nodes editor.

Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#126466 2024-08-18 21:02:58 +02:00
Crash when baking rigid body sims
Iliya Katushenock closed issue blender/blender#126467 2024-08-18 20:26:54 +02:00
Iliya Katushenock created branch edge_angle_lockfree in mod_moder/blender 2024-08-18 20:21:04 +02:00
Iliya Katushenock pushed to edge_angle_lockfree at mod_moder/blender 2024-08-18 20:21:04 +02:00
978f700887 init
b919887682 DRW: Add assertions for unsupported values
Compare 2 commits »
Iliya Katushenock pushed to dyntopo at mod_moder/blender 2024-08-18 16:33:32 +02:00
e5885d8f3f progress in smooth longest-edge-bisect
0602c7934d Merge branch 'main' into dyntopo
2e395d2aac USD: Add test to verify Shape prim import
7de383ffc6 Fix: Overlay-Next: Volume outline crashing
cc01e8a74e Tools: support reference data in coverage report
Compare 104 commits »
Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#126437 2024-08-18 16:31:29 +02:00
Order in which attributes are created affects how they are written to

I'm not reallocating or overwriting anything.

You do that everytime you create new attribute.

Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#126437 2024-08-17 18:32:24 +02:00
Order in which attributes are created affects how they are written to

Seems like reference devalidation.

Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#126434 2024-08-17 15:39:10 +02:00
Blender crashes after playing animation button for particles system (Boids)

Might be duplicate of #126286.

Iliya Katushenock closed issue blender/blender#115973 2024-08-17 13:20:36 +02:00
Hard to see: Visual layering of frames and repeat zones in node networks
Iliya Katushenock pushed to shader_attribute_node at mod_moder/blender 2024-08-17 13:14:47 +02:00
9f3063b2a5 init
6e72f00d4e Fix: UI: Wrong single editor window titles due to unset area sub-spacetype
e0b5654655 Cleanup: improve check for whether object has geometry set instances
5358d1b09a Depsgraph: avoid checking for evaluated object in draw code
f21a25489f Volumes: speedup extracting dense voxel values
Compare 10 commits »
Iliya Katushenock created branch shader_attribute_node in mod_moder/blender 2024-08-17 13:14:47 +02:00
Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#120486 2024-08-17 11:03:56 +02:00
Dynamic socket declaration for type change

This can be part of this task but requires few more actions: Attribute input node and AOV Output nodes in shading. Both should behave in the same way as Attribute input and Store Named Attribute…

Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#126418 2024-08-17 10:55:46 +02:00
Geometry Node: Replace material does not work

Issue is in the fact of using library linking which is for some reason force to access to actually evaluated IDs of materials for node tree but some other evaluated ones. For the context,…

Iliya Katushenock closed issue blender/blender#126426 2024-08-17 10:44:33 +02:00
eevee crashes but cycles does not
Iliya Katushenock commented on issue blender/blender#126426 2024-08-17 10:44:29 +02:00
eevee crashes but cycles does not
