Block a user
UI: Capitalize "Python" in UI messages, improve a few others
Replace "proxy" by "override", following Blender 2.80. Edit description to match terminology.
UI: Capitalize "Python" in UI messages, improve a few others
Rephrase because a GP stroke is assigned to a layer, not the other way around.
UI: Capitalize "Python" in UI messages, improve a few others
Unrelated to lights, used in Grease Pencil modifiers.
UI: Capitalize "Python" in UI messages, improve a few others
Expand description for this brush feature.
UI: Capitalize "Python" in UI messages, and improve a few others
UI: Capitalize "Python" in UI messages, and improve a few others
Cleanup: format
Fix #107898: UV packer regression
UI: Improve description for shapekey pin
Cleanup in readfile code area.
Damien Picard
pushed to dp_geo_nodes_remove_extraction_macros at pioverfour/blender
2023-05-13 17:53:19 +02:00
Cleanup: I18n: Remove extraction macros from node socket declarations
I18n: Add message extraction regexes for node socket declarations
Fix #107810: SVG exported line thickness wrong
RNA: correct BLI_strncpy buffer size argument
Remove use of FILENAME_MAX
I18n: translate Quick Fur data
I18n: translate Quick Fur data
Fix #107810: SVG exported line thickness wrong
Damien Picard
created branch dp_translate_quick_fur in pioverfour/blender
2023-05-13 17:34:51 +02:00
Translations for Asset Browser are incorrect
Hi @iss, I do some i18n on Blender. The tracker is a very convenient way to communicate about this sort of i18n issue. Text which is not translatable but should, or the other way around, can in…
I18n: Asset browser: do not translate non-editable tags
Damien Picard
pushed to dp_asset_browser_dont_translate_tags at pioverfour/blender
2023-05-13 14:01:52 +02:00
I18n: Asset browser: do not translate non-editable tags