Scurest scurest
  • Joined on 2021-01-18
Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#124757 2024-07-16 02:42:45 +02:00
FBX Export crashes/spins endlessly

This is similar to #91205. The FBX exporter has pathological performance for large numbers of objects/actions/frames, at least when using the "All Actions" options.

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#119823 2024-07-14 23:35:42 +02:00
Obj import generate some not valid meshes

Can this be closed? The bug in validate() is fixed, and the OBJ importer also now validates by default.

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#124358 2024-07-08 22:27:18 +02:00
Add "safe" version of Mesh set custom normals API that normalizes input normals

The current API should become the safe one.

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender-addons#105388 2024-07-07 00:04:36 +02:00
glTF exporting with +Y Up adds rotation to camera

This is not a bug. The rotation is correct. It corrects for the differing convention between Blender and glTF in which axis the camera points along.

You can open the glTF in a viewer like…

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#98910 2024-07-06 01:09:35 +02:00
Python: bizarre behavior of mesh.normals_split_custom_set for vectors with length < 1

Even official addons continue to cut themselves on this, cf #124261.

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#123931 2024-06-29 02:14:59 +02:00
Export GLB file: files that are JPEG during export to GLB become PNG in automatic material mode

This is similar to #105141.

The exporter is confused by the texture<->alpha link in the "potted_plant_02_leaves" material. It's not smart enough to realize that link is doing nothing since…

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#123291 2024-06-17 19:30:04 +02:00
OBJ: exported vertex colors format (xyzrgb) not understood by some other apps

Since it works in both Blender and ZBrush, it doesn't seem to be a bug in Blender.

If I open that obj in ZBrush and export it as obj again: then Substance Painter understands the high poly…

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#122489 2024-06-05 04:53:31 +02:00
EEVEE-Next: Handle conversion of Alpha Clip materials

Should this be working in the latest 4.2 Alpha (2ddc936c)? I tried a setup like this, saved in 3.6, and when I opened it in 4.2 there was no conversion.


Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#122602 2024-06-04 03:36:31 +02:00
OBJ import split by group splits the same group into multiple objects

I don't really think duplicated names in an obj is expected

It's unavoidable if there are eg. usemtls. You can sort by g or by usemtl, but one of them will have to be duplicated.

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#122256 2024-05-27 18:53:49 +02:00
Regression: OBJ import: Clamp Bounding Box does not work

The intention of the calculation is obviously to scale down by the first power of ten that makes it fit in the box. That is, (a) it only scales down or not at all, never up (scale <= 1), and (b)…

Scurest opened issue blender/blender#122256 2024-05-25 13:24:35 +02:00
OBJ import: Clamp Bounding Box does not work
Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#106428 2024-05-21 16:07:44 +02:00
OBJ: support importing loose points (point clouds) when mesh data is also present

@1D_Inc For reference, what programs implement that method of specifying point clouds?

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#106428 2024-05-15 14:54:53 +02:00
OBJ: support importing loose points (point clouds) when mesh data is also present

Pointcloud/Loose vertices in OBJ format are written as vertices that are listed but unused in mesh data

I believe the correct way to represent this is actually not to leave them unreferenced…

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#121692 2024-05-12 11:13:24 +02:00
GLB export with chinese characters node name become unicode

Filament not treating those strings the same should be reported to them. I've reported it for you here.

Blender's glTF exporter can write the…

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#121692 2024-05-11 18:15:40 +02:00
GLB export with chinese characters node name become unicode

That's not a bug. Those are the same thing, just escaped.

>>> import json
>>> json.loads('{"name":"\u4f60\u597d"}')
{'name': '你好'}

Changing it is just a matter of passing…

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#121377 2024-05-03 23:54:54 +02:00
Importing .obj doesn't do anything

The contents of that file are

# Blender 4.1.0
mtllib sphere.mtl

So there really is nothing inside it.

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#120713 2024-04-16 19:59:53 +02:00
Mix node has non-linear behavior in the compositor

Okay, but literally all of Blender works this way, from every single color math node, to color pickers, to vertex painting...

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#120713 2024-04-16 19:29:19 +02:00
Mix node has non-linear behavior in the compositor

Isn't this because the math is being done in a linear-light space? Unlike perceptual color spaces like sRGB where intensity is linear with perceived intensity, linear-light spaces have intensity…

Scurest commented on issue blender/blender#120621 2024-04-14 00:51:36 +02:00
Glb import broken on some models (duplicates mesh vertices)

According to, that GLB does in fact have 2M verts


If you tick the "Merge Vertices" option when you…