Distributed rendering of single images #104327

David Zhang merged 22 commits from David-Zhang-10/flamenco:single-image-render into main 2024-09-03 06:47:49 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit ea6111e3ab - Show all commits

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@ -3,21 +3,142 @@ const JOB_TYPE = {
description: "Distributed rendering of a single image.",
settings: [
// Settings for artists to determine:
{ key: "tile_size_x", type: "int32", default: 64, description: "Tile size in pixels for the X axis" },
{ key: "tile_size_y", type: "int32", default: 64, description: "Tile size in pixels for the Y axis" },
key: "tile_size_x",
type: "int32",
default: 64,
description: "Tile size in pixels for the X axis"
key: "tile_size_y",
type: "int32",
default: 64,
description: "Tile size in pixels for the Y axis"
// render_output_root + add_path_components determine the value of render_output_path.
{ key: "render_output_root", type: "string", subtype: "dir_path", required: true, visible: "submission",
description: "Base directory of where render output is stored. Will have some job-specific parts appended to it"},
{ key: "add_path_components", type: "int32", required: true, default: 0, propargs: {min: 0, max: 32}, visible: "submission",
description: "Number of path components of the current blend file to use in the render output path"},
{ key: "render_output_path", type: "string", subtype: "file_path", editable: false,
key: "render_output_root",
type: "string",
subtype: "dir_path",
required: true,
visible: "submission",
description: "Base directory of where render output is stored. Will have some job-specific parts appended to it"
key: "add_path_components",
type: "int32",
required: true,
default: 0,
propargs: {min: 0, max: 32},
visible: "submission",
description: "Number of path components of the current blend file to use in the render output path"
key: "render_output_path", type: "string", subtype: "file_path", editable: false,
eval: "str(Path(abspath(settings.render_output_root), last_n_dir_parts(settings.add_path_components), jobname, '{timestamp}', '######'))",
description: "Final file path of where render output will be saved"},
description: "Final file path of where render output will be saved"
// Automatically evaluated settings:
key: "blendfile",
type: "string",
required: true,
description: "Path of the Blend file to render",
visible: "web"
key: "format",
type: "string",
required: true,
eval: "C.scene.render.image_settings.file_format",
visible: "web"
key: "image_file_extension",
type: "string",
required: true,
eval: "C.scene.render.file_extension",
visible: "hidden",
description: "File extension used when rendering images"
function compileJob(job) {
print("Single Image Render job submitted");
print("job: ", job);
const settings = job.settings;
const renderOutput = renderOutputPath(job);
// Make sure that when the job is investigated later, it shows the
// actually-used render output:
settings.render_output_path = renderOutput;
const renderDir = path.dirname(renderOutput);
const renderTasks = authorRenderTasks(settings, renderDir, renderOutput);
// Do field replacement on the render output path.
function renderOutputPath(job) {
let path = job.settings.render_output_path;
if (!path) {
throw "no render_output_path setting!";
return path.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, (match, group0) => {
switch (group0) {
case "timestamp":
return formatTimestampLocal(job.created);
return match;
function calcBorders(tileSizeX, tileSizeY, width, height) {
borders = [];
for (let y = 0; y < height; y += tileSizeY) {
for (let x = 0; x < width; x += tileSizeX) {
borders.push([x, y, Math.min(x + tileSizeX, width), Math.min(y + tileSizeY, height)]);
print("borders: ", borders);
return borders;
function authorRenderTasks(settings, renderDir, renderOutput) {
print("authorRenderTasks(", renderDir, renderOutput, ")");
let renderTasks = [];
render = C.scene.render;
let borders = calcBorders(settings.tile_size_x, settings.tile_size_y, render.resolution_x, render.resolution_y);
for (border of borders) {
const task = author.Task(`render-${border[0]}-${border[1]}`, "blender");
let pythonExpr = `import bpy
render = bpy.context.scene.render
render.image_settings.file_format = 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER'
render.use_compositing = False
render.border_min_x = ${border[0]} // settings.resolution_x
render.border_min_y = ${border[1]} // settings.resolution_y
render.border_max_x = ${border[2]} // settings.resolution_x
render.border_max_y = ${border[3]} // settings.resolution_y
render.use_border = True`
const command = author.Command("blender-render", {
exe: "{blender}",
exeArgs: "{blenderArgs}",
argsBefore: [],
blendfile: settings.blendfile,
args: [
"--render-output", path.join(renderDir, path.basename(renderOutput)),
"--render-format", settings.format,
"--python-expr", pythonExpr
return renderTasks;