As far as I can tell, it only seems to happen when changing any cycles property after rendering (even though it's happening after returning to the main thread, and no attempt is made to modify the…
Yes I think because it's so rare, this one can only be fixed based on the error messages rather than replication. Investigating how it's possible that context error could happen in a non context…
Hi, this seems to be incorrectly set to needs information from user?
I think the argument against keeping that as the workflow was that animators often receive files from other people who may not have set the keying set on the timeline. So rather than the…
Yes, treating the zero influence and enabled/disabled state as 'not there' would need to happen on a frame by frame basis during animation for it to be useful. There are a few unpredictable…
That would be awesome, 0 influence and disabled constraints being treated as 'not there' would make rigging waaaaay easier, saving riggers from the need to create extremely complex rigs with…
Will do, thanks. I guess what needs to happen is that constraints which are turned off should be treated as not there. Easier said than done I'm sure. It's not a massive issue in this case,…
Thanks for the detailed response. Wouldn't be possible to re-record the whole course as it's taken 2 years to make, and is around 30 hours of video. The editing for Blender 4.1 has taken 3…
@nathanvegdahl Any idea why it has always worked in the past? Only reason I ask is that I've just spent 2 years creating an animation course based on this rig which was working great up until now.
I have one suggestion for imrovement. when clicking an option on the shift K menu, have it also insert a keyframe. Otherwise the user has to change the keyset, then press i to insert the…
got you. So i will insert keyframe, using the keying set specified, or preferences if not. K will always show the keyframe menu and insert a keyframe, shift k will allow to change the keying…
when you press k to bring up the keying set menu. Will selecting one of the options insert a key like it did before with the i key?
Also, I often switch between visual and non visual keying. …
Hi, if it helps narrow down the cause of extrapolation not working on the active action when there are pushed down NLA strips active, the version of Blender 3.63 that is still working when I paste…
Morning @PratikPB2123 , thanks. I'm aware the shortcut has changed, the issue is that it hides the face set under the mouse rather than the face sets that aren't under the mouse. Both H and…