YimingWu ChengduLittleA
  • Joined on 2014-05-03
YimingWu closed issue blender/blender#110106 2023-07-16 04:48:50 +02:00
Cannot revert 'Animate path' option in 'Follow path' in Object constraints
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#110106 2023-07-16 04:48:47 +02:00
Cannot revert 'Animate path' option in 'Follow path' in Object constraints

Hi @Guru-Khanna I'm able to undo "Follow path" operation. The animation is on BezierCurve object Evaluation Time, with a f-curve modifier. You can delete that f-curve modifier and try…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#110054 2023-07-14 04:59:20 +02:00
Cycles Crashing with AMD RX 7900 XTX

Hi there, are you using HIP? Could you try the steps here and give us crash logs? Thanks!

YimingWu reopened issue blender/blender#109040 2023-07-14 04:55:03 +02:00
Overlay: Edit Mesh wireframe incorrect bias
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109040 2023-07-14 04:55:01 +02:00
Overlay: Edit Mesh wireframe incorrect bias

guess will reopen this.

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#110031 2023-07-14 04:53:33 +02:00
Missing Letter V and Black Screen

I have some similar problem with my own program (not blender). In my experience it has something to do with context switching and shared context. SwapBuffers seems to want different gl context…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#110038 2023-07-14 04:43:57 +02:00
Regression: Crash when Sculpting on a mesh from a GP Lineart Modifier

Will take a look. Thanks for notifying.

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109997 2023-07-12 08:18:42 +02:00
Blender Crash

Looks like a crash in OpenGL call glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex_GL3Exec

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109995 2023-07-12 08:08:59 +02:00
Delayed update of outliner ui on change of active collection

Can replicate the behaviour, but I don't think this is a bug. Redraw tagging is done via notifier listeners internally, it's not "fully automatic" by nature.

Here in python you could refer to…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109992 2023-07-12 05:57:56 +02:00
Brush settings > Texture > Mapping mode Area Plane creates a smaller mapping, cause tiling effect.

Two ways to mitigate this issue for now under 3.6:

  • Change Texture tab > Mapping from Area Plane to View Plane (This also fixes the dab size issue, so suspect "Area Plane" mode is…
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109992 2023-07-12 05:51:46 +02:00
Brush settings > Texture > Mapping mode Area Plane creates a smaller mapping, cause tiling effect.

Ok I see. Now I understood you meant that the small bumps are wrongly tiled and should not be visible. Yes can confirm that under 3.6.0

Compared to 3.5, the broken brush seems to be "smaller"…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109992 2023-07-12 05:33:00 +02:00
Brush settings > Texture > Mapping mode Area Plane creates a smaller mapping, cause tiling effect.

@Apraxas Ok I see. So the "small bump" on top of the sphere are made by a different brush right? Your blend file didn't pack the texture so we could not check. Could you upload the blend file with…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109962 2023-07-12 05:14:46 +02:00
Cant Deselect edge loops with Emulate 3 Button Mouse enabled

I'm not sure if you have modified the key map but apparently shift double click does not select edge loops. Holding alt and using right click does select/deselect the loop under emulate 3 mouse…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109985 2023-07-12 05:11:00 +02:00
Can't resize node in visible bounds

Can confirm on linux as well. Probably some minor bug in the ui handler regarding the dimension.

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109986 2023-07-12 05:08:12 +02:00
Regression: Using Grease Pencil Sculpt Grab Tool on a Stroke affected by Subdivide Modifier will Crash Blender

Can't replicate this issue on 3.6.0 c7fc78b81ecb . @concavepgons Could you try the steps here and upload the crash log?…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109988 2023-07-12 05:04:34 +02:00
Blender freezes after scrubbing timeline or changing keyframe value

Hi @Mike-Calhoun , Your file isn't attaching. Could you try again? Note that attachment size is limited, you could try trim down the file or use dropbox. thanks!

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109990 2023-07-12 05:02:57 +02:00
weird viewport visual glitch

@Lucas-Nab Hi, the video or link isn't attaching, could you try reupload? Also if you could provide a file that replicates the crash it would be helpful. Thanks!

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109992 2023-07-12 05:01:39 +02:00
Brush settings > Texture > Mapping mode Area Plane creates a smaller mapping, cause tiling effect.

I believe you are using an older brush set/texture configuration. There's a "Vector Displacement" option added inside "Texture"drop-down menu but it's not enabled by default, it has caused…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109958 2023-07-11 15:07:42 +02:00
Baked Particles are rendered incorrectly on frame 0 and below

@Jannes-Nagel As a general advice, the legacy physics/fluid/particle thing uses frame 0 as a state reset, so it's generally better to use 1 as the start. Considering your usage, you could try…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109955 2023-07-11 11:25:50 +02:00
Regression: Loop overlay are not displayed when using Loop Cut

Unable to reproduce with 4.0 from 2023-07-04, will test latest version. Not sure if this could be related to #109780 since they are both overlay issues.