Humm we didn't see that many reports coming from this model of iGPU, it may be handled similarly as HD4000 series.
This does seem similar to most of the recent reports, some other users has reported that updated driver could resolve the problem, like #126025
Here my test works fine. Do you have any unusual kind of keyboard/vnc kind of setup?
This apparently means that Brushes have their own auto mask settings and the one on top of the viewport applies to all sculpting input?
I think this would be the same as #126025 where the user reported that updated driver make it work.
I have never used any program with zoom/rotate around cursor 🤔 it's like when you are looking at something and you reach out want to adjust the view and bzzzt you are side ways 🤔 Not sure…
I see, then I guess we could close this one for now. Thanks for updating.
@Harley doesn't this mean that the user might experience different acceleration than what would be through the OS?
@wavetro-3 it's best if you start blender with the two OpenGL debug scripts and put the log here. instructions
Looks like this is relevant: #122892 . Once this fix is in then you should see less of a difference on high frequency details.
in shaders causes compile error
I think this is a good suggestion for custom shader API. Blender do enable all extensions already that is required+supported before the main shader body internally.
I don't really think this is a bug... In blender you could just press .
and your selection would be centered and you can orbit around. It's just how blender has been from like forever.
The lag when you switch to material or render preview for the first time is somewhat expected in newer version of blender since now the shader compilation do take a bit more time.
Hummm have you accidentally enabled experimental overlay next feature? Could you try factory reset and see?