• Joined on 2023-12-05
Delia-M commented on issue blender/blender#115784 2023-12-06 21:02:47 +01:00
Blender 4.0.1 edit mode completely freezing/crashing application for even simple topology

I'd be happy to provide a file but it's happening no matter what. I've also found 1 other person with this problem on Reddit with nearly identical hardware.


Delia-M commented on issue blender/blender#115784 2023-12-06 07:40:28 +01:00
Blender 4.0.1 edit mode completely freezing/crashing application for even simple topology

Factory reset doesn't solve the issue. Changing the clip values does seem to affect/partly reduce the artifacts but doesn't completely get rid of them. I'm rendering on my CPU and as I mentioned,…

Delia-M commented on issue blender/blender#115784 2023-12-05 06:08:25 +01:00
Blender 4.0.1 edit mode completely freezing/crashing application for even simple topology

screenshots are out of order but it's pretty self-explanatory

Delia-M opened issue blender/blender#115784 2023-12-05 06:06:54 +01:00
Blender 4.0.1 edit mode completely freezing/crashing application for even simple topology
Delia-M commented on issue blender/blender#115724 2023-12-05 01:59:13 +01:00
Blender 4.0.1 uses 100% CPU just by switching to Edit mode (or when moving vertex/faces)

Seem to be having a similar issue but with very different hardware. Trying to switch to edit mode and interact with the object at all spikes the CPU and freezes the program (see first screenshot…