Soeren Schmidt-Clausen F_Scociety
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on issue blender/blender#111732 2023-08-31 15:34:01 +02:00
Split Edges node not working on non face meshes

Yeah I had the build from yesterday, but todays worked.

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen closed issue blender/blender#111732 2023-08-31 12:26:38 +02:00
Split Edges node not working on non face meshes
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on issue blender/blender#111732 2023-08-31 11:43:57 +02:00
Split Edges node not working on non face meshes

For anyone looking for a fix. I foud that the duplicate elements can have a split edges functionality:

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen opened issue blender/blender#111732 2023-08-31 11:29:42 +02:00
Split Edges node not working on non face meshes
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on issue blender/blender#74367 2023-08-19 13:10:50 +02:00
Bump Map and Normal Map causes flat shading.

I get why youre frustrated about this. But Blender's team isn't huge, and they're trying to add new shinny features, which keep the program relevant. With the dev fund going down, it's even…

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on issue blender/blender#109414 2023-06-28 16:09:58 +02:00
Python scale on creation has no effect on some object types

Yes, lel didn't see it.

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on issue blender/blender#109414 2023-06-28 12:06:16 +02:00
Python scale on creation has no effect on some object types

Thanks for looking into this! Do you know why some primitives do use the scale, like the cube?

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen opened issue blender/blender#109414 2023-06-27 17:59:43 +02:00
Python scale on creation has no effect for most objects
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on pull request blender/blender#109030 2023-06-27 14:17:10 +02:00
Geometry Nodes: Initial basic rotation socket nodes

Hi, very cool! One thought though, maybe flip the Rotation and Vector socket of the "Rotate Vector" Node. This would make it consistent to the Vector Rotate node, the these two nodes can even be…

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on issue blender/blender#93903 2023-06-09 08:56:20 +02:00
Make Instances Real doesn't work for geometry instances

Can you please provide an example or explanation on how this works? I can not understand where to use this node and how it works to extract multiple objects from geonode instances.

When you…

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen deleted branch corners_of_edge from F_Scociety/blender-manual 2023-06-06 16:55:54 +02:00
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen pushed to corners_of_edge at F_Scociety/blender-manual 2023-06-06 15:56:09 +02:00
f7515c1a81 add "."
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen pushed to corners_of_edge at F_Scociety/blender-manual 2023-06-06 14:42:28 +02:00
cd3db6a963 fixed **
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on pull request blender/blender-manual#104464 2023-06-06 14:42:07 +02:00
adds docs for new geonodes corners_of_edge

ah sry, I resetet my branch, before comitting and forgot to restore the "**"

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen pushed to corners_of_edge at F_Scociety/blender-manual 2023-06-06 14:36:19 +02:00
607a031c33 small changes
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on pull request blender/blender-manual#104464 2023-06-06 11:18:16 +02:00
adds docs for new geonodes corners_of_edge

Thanks, the extrude node helped a lot!

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen pushed to corners_of_edge at F_Scociety/blender-manual 2023-06-06 11:17:44 +02:00
e9259024cf Added explanation image and fixed some language errors
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen pushed to corners_of_edge at F_Scociety/blender-manual 2023-06-05 17:48:07 +02:00
d5fa35fe45 Merge branch 'main' into corners_of_edge
7aef0bfe42 Fixed: Added missing image to fcurves editing page.
4210f7e906 Cleanup: long lines, titles
62209f1e7a Merge branch 'blender-v3.6-release'
bd38a5f0c4 Sculpt: Split face set visibility invert into its own operator
Compare 29 commits »
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen commented on pull request blender/blender-manual#104464 2023-06-05 17:45:17 +02:00
adds docs for new geonodes corners_of_edge

Great! Corrected it.

Do you have a tip on how I can best intergrade the image to comply with the docs? Do you know an example in the docs where a extra explanation image was added?

Soeren Schmidt-Clausen pushed to corners_of_edge at F_Scociety/blender-manual 2023-06-05 17:42:28 +02:00
8ff8fcadcc added missing `