Frankie Hobbins FrankieHobbins
  • Joined on 2016-04-16
Frankie Hobbins closed issue blender/blender#110967 2023-08-09 19:11:24 +02:00
3.6 FBX exporter loses material data on meshes which share linked object data
Frankie Hobbins commented on issue blender/blender#110967 2023-08-09 19:11:21 +02:00
3.6 FBX exporter loses material data on meshes which share linked object data

You are correct,

I download 3.6.1 to test then I must have overwrote the fbx exporter plugin while copying my settings across from the old build.

Sorry about that!

Frankie Hobbins opened issue blender/blender#110967 2023-08-09 17:07:33 +02:00
3.6 FBX exporter loses material data on meshes which share linked object data