I get an error again when committing, I have tried to generate a token in https://projects.blender.org/user/settings/applications
I do something wrong. I enter "subversion" and I get…
In :src: bpy.types.ShaderNodeBsdfHairPrincipled.model:'CHIANG' [currently string 11585].
It says: Near-field hair scattering model by Chiang et. al 2016, suitable for close-up…
I am revising the Catalan translation mainly to ensure coherence, and I have run into the concept "hull curve".
I have not found in the documentation any clarification of what this…
Thanks. Yes, when I got the conflict warnings, I reverted to the earlier version because I saw it as the less time-consuming option, to just repeat the work I had done. I had not suspected this…
I understand people are busy with a new release?
In any case, when you get the time, I would be grateful if somebody checked the Catalan po in Branches. I suspect I may have done a…
I am really thankful for your patiente, but I still do not get what it is meant by:
"Edge splitting modifier to create sharp edges"
In what sense is there a "creation" of "sharp" edges?
I have checked the occurence of "EdgeSplit Modifier". In my PO it is now 9273.
9274 says "Edge splitting modifier to create sharp edges"
Now, in order for me to make sense of this, in the…
Thanks for all the explanations. I will check everything again.
One thing. There are controls/parameters called "EdgeSplit" and others "Edge Split". Any difference I should know of? I had…
For what is worth, I share my own reflections as I stumbled with contradictions and inconsistencies in my own translations of the term "edge".
To deal with the multiple uses of the…
Thanks Joan! I usually just translate correctly those kind of strings, hoping (in all laziness) that in time someone will find and correct the misspellings, but what you just did is the right…
Errors detected in English strings
- Force exporting animation on every objects. Can be usefull when using constraints or driver. Also useful when exporting only selection [objects…
I share here my engagement with the word “track” and its derivatives. In my opinion, it would be best to take another family of terms to refer to the camera movement reconstruction. However,…