Lluc Romaní Brasó Lluc3D
  • Joined on 2009-01-23
Lluc Romaní Brasó opened issue blender/blender#115327 2023-11-24 03:46:11 +01:00
Deleting a ShapeKey set "Key, Key.001, key.002" from the outliner crashes blender
Lluc Romaní Brasó commented on issue blender/blender#107996 2023-06-01 01:01:29 +02:00
outliner.object_operation (select hierarchy) does not change active object when directly called through a key event

The request for "alt-ctrl" is not necessary it was just a comment sorry for that.

But the behaviour on the outliner would be nice to get it fix, altho the double-click workaround is useful I…

Lluc Romaní Brasó commented on issue blender/blender#107996 2023-05-17 22:55:34 +02:00
outliner.object_operation (select hierarchy) does not change active object when directly called through a key event

It would be really cool if you could hold "alt"+"control" to select multiple hierarchies, Right now with the workaround you can only select one at a time, if you could select one hierarchy and…

Lluc Romaní Brasó opened issue blender/blender#107996 2023-05-17 02:24:52 +02:00
"outliner.object_operation" has an inconsistent behaviour when assigned to a key