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Yes!, I think this is definitelly in the right direction, as per brad's note I think it should stay the same for multiple animation editors, but this is definitelly the right idea!
Hello, any chance anyone can take a look at this the bug persists.
I wonder since the timeline doesnt have an option to Only show the selected object's keys like the dopesheet does, if it maybe should always show all keys in the scene (or at least default to…
Feels to me like this one is a candidate for when you activate it the slider should start at 0 instead of 50%, what do you guys think?
Sorry yeah still shouldnt follow the scene file but the "local" viewing options as in depend on your blender not on where the file goes.
Is it possible we have also "frame rate" playback, I sense that the overlay sometime causes overhead and its really hard to know whether that is affecting the playback rate since you cant see what…
Ok, that's all implemented. Check the video below.
I like that, I still think it should be a global overlay option rather than a per bone option because if i open your file and you set it…
honestly I think the relationship lines are a big mess as a concept mostly when you have a rig, for 4 5 bones works great, but when you have a bunch of bones on top of eachother then its unusable,…
This is a great adition, its in fact so good, that I normally replace Ctrl+S to do incremental and Ctrl+Shift+S to do regular save because in production you rarely want to overrwrite a file unless…