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an update, this is why I don't think wintab is a solution, happens when you have multiple blender windows open like if you have 2 monitors too.
Wow, sorry for the double report, I did a search before and didnt find those other ones, weird! anyways thank you again for looking into it.
Tested it today creating a quick animation, feels very natural 9/10 times a day you wanna edit keys you just created, to me it works well so far!
I can live with that if thats the agreed solution by everyone. i reckon I would prefer modifier key plus the same because that seems snappier to me but this is a good alternative.
I agree that the "I" key seems pretty packed already, but maybe "Alt I" which currently is delete key (I know no one that uses that hotkey tbh) could be replaced with this menu and maybe the menu…
Hey Germano!,
I've recreated the bug very easily in this scene, I even set some keys so to see the bug you can just open the file and pres play and you'll see it unfold.
Okay, so I think I didnt realize that bones can be part of multiple collections at the same time, so they where in both collections all the time thats why they wouldnt dissapear or be added to the…
here is a sample scene and a video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/38neliqsri6qe8v2y6cyb/bone_collection_bug.mkv?rlkey=fhta7k4adhfnmsmpuedu5rfu6&dl=0
Yeah, thats the message it gives me even if it isnt the case, I'll rebuild the scene and send it.
yep I explained that in this video 2 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IwhigPZuqk
other things that would be necessary would be the channels to be uncollapsed when you select an…