  • Joined on 2024-01-06
Nidhal-Flowgun commented on issue blender/blender-addons#88518 2024-01-30 20:12:57 +01:00
Add-ons with keymap entries generate duplicates in keymap

my suggested solution would be to have 3 checkboxes for every keymap:

  • Export to file as a new keymap
  • Export to file as Default keymap
  • Don't Export to file

Addons default keymaps should…

Nidhal-Flowgun commented on issue blender/blender#87025 2024-01-30 06:26:06 +01:00
Remesh Wipes out Vertex Paint Data

I had occasional issues with with this, but it turns out that I was using the startup file from an old Blender version, and the default cube would bug. I just had to replace the default cube with…

Nidhal-Flowgun closed issue blender/blender#117568 2024-01-29 12:35:03 +01:00
Viewer node in compositor slows down Blender even if there's nothing to compute
Nidhal-Flowgun commented on issue blender/blender#117568 2024-01-29 12:35:00 +01:00
Viewer node in compositor slows down Blender even if there's nothing to compute

Indeed, CPU usage goes high with denoise node Looks like known issue of re-calculating results when some node is added to the tree (irrespective of backdrop results). @OmarEmaraDev , can…

Nidhal-Flowgun commented on issue blender/blender#117568 2024-01-29 11:35:32 +01:00
Viewer node in compositor slows down Blender even if there's nothing to compute

Can you attach a sample file? I only checked Slow Compositor.blend. And unable to redo in default scene

that might be another issue altogether. The steps I described will reproduce the issue.

Nidhal-Flowgun commented on issue blender/blender#117568 2024-01-29 11:28:55 +01:00
Viewer node in compositor slows down Blender even if there's nothing to compute

Hi, looks like this is fixed already in 4.1, can you check:

Not at all. I downloaded latest 4.1 build, and I'm writing this comment while my pc is…

Nidhal-Flowgun closed issue blender/blender#117582 2024-01-28 00:56:01 +01:00
Sculpting brush Clean-up (the smear brush, and maybe the mask brush)
Nidhal-Flowgun opened issue blender/blender#117582 2024-01-28 00:14:49 +01:00
Sculpting brush Clean-up (the smear brush, and maybe the mask brush)
Nidhal-Flowgun opened issue blender/blender#117568 2024-01-27 04:35:41 +01:00
Viewer node in compositor slows down Blender even if there's nothing to compute
Nidhal-Flowgun commented on issue blender/blender#117530 2024-01-26 13:40:54 +01:00
Unable to enter node group by clicking on the icon after exiting it using the shortcut ctrl+tab

should I close the issue now? I'm new to reporting bugs :s

Nidhal-Flowgun commented on issue blender/blender-addons#88518 2024-01-26 08:46:52 +01:00
Add-ons with keymap entries generate duplicates in keymap

This is my workaround for this bug. It is super annoying to have to go through this, but I got really fast at it, and I don't require it that much anymore, so whatever:

  1. I keep a clean…
Nidhal-Flowgun opened issue blender/blender#117530 2024-01-26 08:32:29 +01:00
Unable to enter node group by clicking on the icon after exiting it using the shortcut ctrl+tab
Nidhal-Flowgun opened issue blender/blender-addons#105119 2024-01-13 18:05:33 +01:00
Hotkeys keep on duplicating!