Still leaves us with testing on Windows from you and Pratik Borhade! Maybe it's a better idea to ask a blender developer for MacOS here with this!!
How do you test it on 3.3.7 LTS when it's not working when opening 4.0 files!? My version 3.3.1 crashes too, when opening a 4.0 file.
I don't have the 3.x blank file version of the performance.…
Hi @PratikPB2123 ,
no wonder you didn't notice anything when using Windows with NVIDIA !!! (Does it say Windows or Intel Mac in the title ?) You did that now the third time to me. Even…
I'll test your findings out. But basically I did nothing else than you did. New scene and following a video online.
But with 'Possibly related to: #107252' I could make new files with factory…
with the todays build it has not changed back to 'Untitled'
I close the report now, but I'm pretty sure it will reappear !
Hi, thank for report. I can't reproduce crash.
Yes, got this. The last two builds the issue didn't turn up.
So when the tomorrows (Monday) build is fine too, I close this report.
PS: I also tried to start an older 3.6 build where the…
What? Are you on a Mac with latest MacOS and latest Intel Blender 3.6a !? As stated above, the userpref before and after I changed it.
OR do you want the next userpref from todays build when…
Here are the userpref's.
The first one is after the last compile today when it changed back to default 'Untitled'.
The copy is the userpref after I changed 'Untitled' to 'Preferences' as it…
That is a good question. They are generated when viewing the Assets in the asset browser. And with this ammount it's impossible to find/track the png that causes the trouble, since the naming of…
here are the bad file from the fail folder under .thumbnails.
But the .thumbnails/fail/blender/ folder keeps building up with files... Would mean there is still something not right with the code! I guess!?
As I expected, here it is again. Naming changed again to 'Untitled'! I've done nothing else than to compile blender today! (make update && make )
deleting this folder : .thumbnails/fail/blender/ makes the thumbnails are working now everywhere. So I really hope that this issue is solved on the software side, so no new fail png's…