I should note that I did not report a crash in this issue, I reported buggy undo that exists from at least 2.80 to this day. Crash is something that was found later and much more recent. Just…
In that case I've got some new information: the crashing in 4.3 from 2024-10-05 is not gone, it just became less likely to be triggered. After going into Sculpt Mode(step 1), do multiple brush…
If by distortion you mean "triangle soup" effect that I called "hedgehog" then sorry, my last two comments were not relevant to that visual artifact. I thought you couldn't reproduce the effect in…
It exists even in 2.80.75 but with slightly different behavior more similar to 4.3: just after movement of the eyes, single Ctrl+Z undoes both the movement and whole progress done to Dyntopo…
As I noted in original post, the issue exists in 3.6.7. Now, I thought that since it's LTS it could have pulled new code along with the new bugs, but nope: I just downloaded 3.0.1 and exactly same…
To reproduce "hedgehog" effect in 4.3 keep undoing until you're put back into Sculpt Mode. When that happens, observe that it's the eyes object named Sphere
that ends up being in Sculpt mode,…
Should it be closed then? The crash was separate issue not reported by me and I don't know any duplicates of this issue to follow.
Checked on 3.6.13 LTS, same story. Also tested on different machine with different GPU model and driver version number. Same.
This could be more apparent because of my brush settings for Clay…
I know that this issue exist in 4.1, 4.0, and even in 3.6 too(just checked). That's why I cannot date it's introduction.
I'm aware of the solution but I want to stop wasting time on that as scaling pieces is frequent to my workflow. This is a bug and working around it should not be necessary. Most of my reports have…
Should the labels be updated? The issue still says Status: Needs Information from User
Here I recorded video where Fly Navigation is used and bug is apparent. Pressing Enter after adding letter to name moves camera back. I moved the mouse pointer but didn't press any mouse buttons,…
And yes, enabling extras does resolve searchability of the "Create Pose Asset" operator.