I found the culprit: rB6701d24084f515e2749fd7367b4cefa185748769 by Campbell Barton ( @ideasman )
blender-3.6.0-alpha+main.86a14faf6917-linux.x86_64-release (= latest Build Bot) works
Wha?! I just recompiled and now it works?! This is like Easter, Christmas and birthday!!
Awesome, thanks a lot!!!
Sadly this is not going to happen as I'm not a coder and I'll never become one because of a severe "lack of brain". And it's also sad that the patch was never updated or submitted on Gitea.
Awesome! I can totally live with this speed&quality fix 👍
With a new project/job on the horizon that will need lots of parented objects being transferred to a 3rd party app, preferably via Alembic or USD I today confirmed that it's still a no go. Looks…
@SteffenD behavior of aspect ratio is the same as in image and movie clip editors. Is that also how you would expect it to behave (see attached gif)?
Awesome! The behaviour in the GIF is…
Oops, how did I even close this? This was an accident, thanks for reopening.
No worries, using a scale node is what I'm doing actually to work around that problem. ;)
Thanks a lot, @Sergey for taking immediate care of this problem.
Yes, it was kind of a weird decision of me using a flat plane with some random dots scattered across it, but I was testing…
@HooglyBoogly Thanks a lot. Just recompiled and the problem is fixed.
Just a side note: If I try to object-track something on the same anamorphic 2:1 footage, the Optical Center of the camera jumps to 0.000 / 3.000: