Vladimir VladimirNox
Vladimir commented on issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-31 05:41:52 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct

Thanks for the report, but the issue reported here is a request for modified/improved behavior and not a bug in current behavior. Closing as this bug tracker is only for bugs and errors.

Vladimir commented on issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-30 01:35:41 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct

Are you saying this is an accepted design and not a bug? I just might not understand

Я говорю разработчики специально ограничили ноду, так…

Vladimir commented on issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-29 22:42:36 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct

@VladimirNox Hey, just to be sure:

  1. Create a plane. Move your model to this plane.
  2. Bake normals form model on the plane.
  3. Apply normal map on model? and get incorrect result…
Vladimir commented on issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-29 22:31:02 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct

I wouldn't think this is correct workflow, but I don't do much modeling. I have baked high-poly mesh directly into low-poly and got way different texture which seems to work well - see image. …

Vladimir commented on issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-27 20:14:21 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct

Can you re-bake this in 3.5 version? I did it here and I got "blank" UV canvas which seems to work well.

Will have to check if that is expected behavior though.

Vladimir commented on issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-27 20:12:34 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct

Can you re-bake this in 3.5 version? I did it here and I got "blank" UV canvas which seems to work well.

Will have to check if that is expected behavior though.

I don't really…

Vladimir commented on issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-27 00:19:12 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct

In 2.83 and in marmorset everything is fine, please return everything as it was before, it is very limiting to work with LP.

Vladimir opened issue blender/blender#108334 2023-05-26 23:15:53 +02:00
Normal map node worked is not correct