Fix #104714: Missing shape keys in FBX export when original mesh data cannot be used #104890

Thomas Barlow merged 7 commits from Mysteryem/blender-addons:fbx_fix_triangulate_removing_shapes into main 2023-09-19 02:26:19 +02:00
2 changed files with 105 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
bl_info = {
"name": "FBX format",
"author": "Campbell Barton, Bastien Montagne, Jens Restemeier, @Mysteryem",
"version": (5, 8, 0),
"version": (5, 8, 1),
"blender": (3, 6, 0),
"location": "File > Import-Export",
"description": "FBX IO meshes, UVs, vertex colors, materials, textures, cameras, lamps and actions",

View File

@ -2592,7 +2592,6 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, depsgraph, settings):
if ob_obj.type not in BLENDER_OBJECT_TYPES_MESHLIKE:
ob = ob_obj.bdata
use_org_data = True
org_ob_obj = None
# Do not want to systematically recreate a new mesh for dupliobject instances, kind of break purpose of those.
@ -2602,90 +2601,114 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, depsgraph, settings):
data_meshes[ob_obj] = data_meshes[org_ob_obj]
is_ob_material = any( == 'OBJECT' for ms in ob.material_slots)
# There are 4 different cases for what we need to do with the original data of each Object:
# 1) The original data can be used without changes.
# 2) A copy of the original data needs to be made.
# - If an export option modifies the data, e.g. Triangulate Faces is enabled.
# - If the Object has Object-linked materials. This is because our current mapping of materials to FBX requires
# that multiple Objects sharing a single mesh must have the same materials.
# 3) The Object needs to be converted to a mesh.
# - All mesh-like Objects that are not meshes need to be converted to a mesh in order to be exported.
# 4) The Object needs to be evaluated and then converted to a mesh.
# - Whenever use_mesh_modifiers is enabled and either there are modifiers to apply or the Object needs to be
# converted to a mesh.
# If multiple cases apply to an Object, then only the last applicable case is relevant.
do_copy = any( == 'OBJECT' for ms in ob.material_slots) or settings.use_triangles
do_convert = ob.type in BLENDER_OTHER_OBJECT_TYPES
do_evaluate = do_convert and settings.use_mesh_modifiers
if settings.use_mesh_modifiers or settings.use_triangles or ob.type in BLENDER_OTHER_OBJECT_TYPES or is_ob_material:
# We cannot use default mesh in that case, or material would not be the right ones...
use_org_data = not (is_ob_material or ob.type in BLENDER_OTHER_OBJECT_TYPES)
backup_pose_positions = []
tmp_mods = []
if use_org_data and ob.type == 'MESH':
if settings.use_triangles:
use_org_data = False
# No need to create a new mesh in this case, if no modifier is active!
last_subsurf = None
for mod in ob.modifiers:
# For meshes, when armature export is enabled, disable Armature modifiers here!
# XXX Temp hacks here since currently we only have access to a viewport depsgraph...
# NOTE: We put armature to the rest pose instead of disabling it so we still
# have vertex groups in the evaluated mesh.
if mod.type == 'ARMATURE' and 'ARMATURE' in settings.object_types:
object = mod.object
if object and object.type == 'ARMATURE':
armature =
# If armature is already in REST position, there's nothing to back-up
# This cuts down on export time dramatically, if all armatures are already in REST position
# by not triggering dependency graph update
if armature.pose_position != 'REST':
backup_pose_positions.append((armature, armature.pose_position))
armature.pose_position = 'REST'
elif mod.show_render or mod.show_viewport:
# If exporting with subsurf collect the last Catmull-Clark subsurf modifier
# and disable it. We can use the original data as long as this is the first
# found applicable subsurf modifier.
if settings.use_subsurf and mod.type == 'SUBSURF' and mod.subdivision_type == 'CATMULL_CLARK':
if last_subsurf:
use_org_data = False
last_subsurf = mod
use_org_data = False
if settings.use_subsurf and last_subsurf:
# XXX: When exporting with subsurf information temporarily disable
# the last subsurf modifier.
tmp_mods.append((last_subsurf, last_subsurf.show_render, last_subsurf.show_viewport))
last_subsurf.show_render = False
last_subsurf.show_viewport = False
if not use_org_data:
# If modifiers has been altered need to update dependency graph.
if backup_pose_positions or tmp_mods:
ob_to_convert = ob.evaluated_get(depsgraph) if settings.use_mesh_modifiers else ob
# NOTE: The dependency graph might be re-evaluating multiple times, which could
# potentially free the mesh created early on. So we put those meshes to bmain and
# free them afterwards. Not ideal but ensures correct ownerwhip.
tmp_me =
ob_to_convert, preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=depsgraph)
# Triangulate the mesh if requested
if settings.use_triangles:
import bmesh
bm =
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
# Usually the materials of the evaluated object will be the same, but modifiers, such as Geometry Nodes,
# can change the materials.
orig_mats = tuple(slot.material for slot in ob.material_slots)
eval_mats = tuple(slot.material.original if slot.material else None
for slot in ob_to_convert.material_slots)
if orig_mats != eval_mats:
# Override the default behaviour of getting materials from ob_obj.bdata.material_slots.
ob_obj.override_materials = eval_mats
data_meshes[ob_obj] = (get_blenderID_key(tmp_me), tmp_me, True)
# Change armatures back.
for armature, pose_position in backup_pose_positions:
print((armature, pose_position))
armature.pose_position = pose_position
# Update now, so we don't leave modified state after last object was exported.
# Re-enable temporary disabled modifiers.
for mod, show_render, show_viewport in tmp_mods:
mod.show_render = show_render
mod.show_viewport = show_viewport
# If the Object is a mesh, and we're applying modifiers, check if there are actually any modifiers to apply.
# If there are then the mesh will need to be evaluated, and we may need to make some temporary changes to the
# modifiers or scene before the mesh is evaluated.
backup_pose_positions = []
tmp_mods = []
if ob.type == 'MESH' and settings.use_mesh_modifiers:
# No need to create a new mesh in this case, if no modifier is active!
last_subsurf = None
for mod in ob.modifiers:
# For meshes, when armature export is enabled, disable Armature modifiers here!
# XXX Temp hacks here since currently we only have access to a viewport depsgraph...
# NOTE: We put armature to the rest pose instead of disabling it so we still
# have vertex groups in the evaluated mesh.
if mod.type == 'ARMATURE' and 'ARMATURE' in settings.object_types:
object = mod.object
if object and object.type == 'ARMATURE':
armature =
# If armature is already in REST position, there's nothing to back-up
# This cuts down on export time dramatically, if all armatures are already in REST position
# by not triggering dependency graph update
if armature.pose_position != 'REST':
backup_pose_positions.append((armature, armature.pose_position))
armature.pose_position = 'REST'
elif mod.show_render or mod.show_viewport:
# If exporting with subsurf collect the last Catmull-Clark subsurf modifier
# and disable it. We can use the original data as long as this is the first
# found applicable subsurf modifier.
if settings.use_subsurf and mod.type == 'SUBSURF' and mod.subdivision_type == 'CATMULL_CLARK':
if last_subsurf:
do_evaluate = True
last_subsurf = mod
do_evaluate = True
if settings.use_subsurf and last_subsurf:
# XXX: When exporting with subsurf information temporarily disable
# the last subsurf modifier.
tmp_mods.append((last_subsurf, last_subsurf.show_render, last_subsurf.show_viewport))
if do_evaluate:
# If modifiers has been altered need to update dependency graph.
if backup_pose_positions or tmp_mods:
if use_org_data:
ob_to_convert = ob.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
# NOTE: The dependency graph might be re-evaluating multiple times, which could
# potentially free the mesh created early on. So we put those meshes to bmain and
# free them afterwards. Not ideal but ensures correct ownership.
tmp_me =
ob_to_convert, preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=depsgraph)
# Usually the materials of the evaluated object will be the same, but modifiers, such as Geometry Nodes,
# can change the materials.
orig_mats = tuple(slot.material for slot in ob.material_slots)
eval_mats = tuple(slot.material.original if slot.material else None
for slot in ob_to_convert.material_slots)
if orig_mats != eval_mats:
# Override the default behaviour of getting materials from ob_obj.bdata.material_slots.
ob_obj.override_materials = eval_mats
elif do_convert:
tmp_me =, preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=depsgraph)
elif do_copy:
# removes shape keys (see #104714), so create a copy of the mesh instead.
tmp_me =
tmp_me = None
if tmp_me is None:
# Use the original data of this Object.
data_meshes[ob_obj] = (get_blenderID_key(,, False)
# Triangulate the mesh if requested
if settings.use_triangles:
import bmesh
bm =
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
# A temporary mesh was created for this Object, which should be deleted once the export is complete.
data_meshes[ob_obj] = (get_blenderID_key(tmp_me), tmp_me, True)
# Change armatures back.
for armature, pose_position in backup_pose_positions:
print((armature, pose_position))
armature.pose_position = pose_position
# Update now, so we don't leave modified state after last object was exported.
# Re-enable temporary disabled modifiers.
for mod, show_render, show_viewport in tmp_mods:
mod.show_render = show_render
mod.show_viewport = show_viewport
if backup_pose_positions or tmp_mods:
# In case "real" source object of that dupli did not yet still existed in data_meshes, create it now!
if org_ob_obj is not None: