Shape keys get out of sync with Basis shape (when using UNDO in basis modification or manipulating basis via python) #44415

opened 2015-04-16 17:16:22 +02:00 by Juan Pablo Bouza · 55 comments

System Information
Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.19042-SP0 64 Bits
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 472.12

Blender Version
Broken: version: 3.0.1 Release Candidate, branch: master, commit date: 2022-01-17 12:07, hash: 9600f36cfc
Worked: v2.72

Caused by dab0bd9de6

Short description of error
After editing the basis shapekey in edit mode using ctrl+z, shape keys using this as a basis behave incorrectly.

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error
In the last project, I often edit the mesh that I previously created shape keys for. And there is a very critical bug that just breaks all the progress of my work with the model.
If you edit the "Basic" shape key in edit mode, press ctrl+z and exit edit mode, then all shape keys belonging to the model will be broken.

  • Create a cube
  • Add a Basis shape
  • Add another shape and set it to 1
  • Go to the Basis shape and enter edit mode.
  • Move one vertex.
  • Move it again and UNDO
  • Go to object mode and play with key 1 slider, you'll notice that the vertex movement that was introduced to the Basis shape has not propagated to Key 1. Instead, Key 1 is no bringing back the original shape of the cube.
  • also notice that Blend From Shape on the basis shapekey is not working after UNDO then, see #95747

I recorded two short videos for you and attached them .blend file.

Video "TRUE_CORRECT.mp4" everything works correctly if you do not press ctrl+z. This is exactly what I expect from a blender.
Video "BUG_INCORRECT.mp4" it doesn't work correctly, after exiting edit mode I get broken shape keys.



Original report (manipulating the basis shapekey via script


Hi! I've attached a file where you run a script that copies the vertex coordinates from a second mesh into the Basis shape key of the object.

The copy operation works well, the thing is that the the existing shapekeys don't take into account the changes of the Basis shape.

You may find that perhaps I'm missing something in the script, but I'm reporting this cause I've seen this same behavior in my everyday modelling workflow, only that I could never recreate the bug. Sometimes when going in and out Edit mode or Sculpt mode, I realize that the existing shapekeys have gone out of sync with the changes I was doing to the Basis shape... It's like if the changes of the Basis shape didn't propagate to the rest of the shapes.

So please, give a little check to the shape keys code, perhaps you'll find out why this could happen.

**System Information** Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.19042-SP0 64 Bits Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 472.12 **Blender Version** Broken: version: 3.0.1 Release Candidate, branch: master, commit date: 2022-01-17 12:07, hash: `9600f36cfc` Worked: v2.72 Caused by dab0bd9de6 **Short description of error** After editing the basis shapekey in edit mode using ctrl+z, shape keys using this as a basis behave incorrectly. **Exact steps for others to reproduce the error** In the last project, I often edit the mesh that I previously created shape keys for. And there is a very critical bug that just breaks all the progress of my work with the model. If you edit the "Basic" shape key in edit mode, press ctrl+z and exit edit mode, then all shape keys belonging to the model will be broken. - Create a cube - Add a Basis shape - Add another shape and set it to 1 - Go to the Basis shape and enter edit mode. - Move one vertex. - Move it again and UNDO - Go to object mode and play with key 1 slider, you'll notice that the vertex movement that was introduced to the Basis shape has not propagated to Key 1. Instead, Key 1 is no bringing back the original shape of the cube. - also notice that `Blend From Shape` on the basis shapekey is not working after UNDO then, see #95747 I recorded two short videos for you and attached them .blend file. Video "TRUE_CORRECT.mp4" everything works correctly if you do not press ctrl+z. This is exactly what I expect from a blender. Video "BUG_INCORRECT.mp4" it doesn't work correctly, after exiting edit mode I get broken shape keys. [TRUE_CORRECT.mp4]( [BUG_INCORRECT.mp4]( [BUG_200122.blend]( **Original report (manipulating the basis shapekey via script** [basis_shape_bug.blend]( Hi! I've attached a file where you run a script that copies the vertex coordinates from a second mesh into the Basis shape key of the object. The copy operation works well, the thing is that the the existing shapekeys don't take into account the changes of the Basis shape. You may find that perhaps I'm missing something in the script, but I'm reporting this cause I've seen this same behavior in my everyday modelling workflow, only that I could never recreate the bug. Sometimes when going in and out Edit mode or Sculpt mode, I realize that the existing shapekeys have gone out of sync with the changes I was doing to the Basis shape... It's like if the changes of the Basis shape didn't propagate to the rest of the shapes. So please, give a little check to the shape keys code, perhaps you'll find out why this could happen.

Changed status to: 'Open'

Changed status to: 'Open'

Added subscriber: @jpbouza-4

Added subscriber: @jpbouza-4

#95747 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#95747 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#88361 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#88361 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#95079 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#95079 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#48609 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#48609 was marked as duplicate of this issue

Added subscriber: @mont29

Added subscriber: @mont29

Grumph… Something strange is going on here… Thing is, in theory, you do not edit Basis (i.e. first relative skey), it’s supposed to be exact same as actual mesh. But all this is a bit flacky :|

Also, got a nice crash while playing with your file, will check that first…

Grumph… Something strange is going on here… Thing is, in theory, you do not edit Basis (i.e. first relative skey), it’s supposed to be exact same as actual mesh. But all this is a bit flacky :| Also, got a nice crash while playing with your file, will check that first…

Hi Bastien!

Thanks for looking into this!

Yes, I also thought that what should be edited was the actual mesh and not the basis. Therefore I also did the test to transfer the vertex locations to the mesh vertices (, but the result was the same regarding the propagation to the other shape keys.

Hi Bastien! Thanks for looking into this! Yes, I also thought that what should be edited was the actual mesh and not the basis. Therefore I also did the test to transfer the vertex locations to the mesh vertices (, but the result was the same regarding the propagation to the other shape keys.

Added subscriber: @ideasman42

Added subscriber: @ideasman42

Ok… So here is the issue. 'relative' shape keys are actually fake-relative, in that they do not really build on top of their basis. Rather, they all store absolute vertex coordinates. Then, when you edit a skey and leave Edit mode, Blender will search for all keys using edited one as basis, and apply to them the offset resulting from that basis’ edition.

That very simple and robust process (sarcastic) is not done when setting values from RNA - and for now I do not see how it could be, not without a huge overhead at least…

Let’s see what Campbell says here.

Ok… So here is the issue. 'relative' shape keys are actually fake-relative, in that they do not **really** build on top of their basis. Rather, they all store absolute vertex coordinates. Then, when you edit a skey and leave Edit mode, Blender will search for all keys using edited one as basis, and apply to them the offset resulting from that basis’ edition. That very simple and robust process (*sarcastic*) is not done when setting values from RNA - and for now I do not see how it could be, not without a huge overhead at least… Let’s see what Campbell says here.

Oh, that's interesting!

Well, about my script then, I could just ask Campbell how to do that propagation manually, or perhaps I should copy the vertex locations within edit mode?

The other issue here is that many times I see this exact same problem, but when toggling between Edit mode, Sculpt and Object mode. I can't really tell when it happens, cause it's just a random thing (random for user, hehe). So, my guess is that there must be some kind of flaw or exception in the propagation process, maybe some checks missing or something, cause this really happens.

The other week while modelling the sheep flock for Gooseberry, it happened several times, and I had to throw my changes to trash and begin all over again, cause the changes to the Basis had not propagated to all the other shapes. But really, can't tell when exactly it happens, cause I did some test, doing apparently the same thing, and some times it worked ok, sometimes it didn't.

Oh, that's interesting! Well, about my script then, I could just ask Campbell how to do that propagation manually, or perhaps I should copy the vertex locations within edit mode? The other issue here is that many times I see this exact same problem, but when toggling between Edit mode, Sculpt and Object mode. I can't really tell when it happens, cause it's just a random thing (random for user, hehe). So, my guess is that there must be some kind of flaw or exception in the propagation process, maybe some checks missing or something, cause this really happens. The other week while modelling the sheep flock for Gooseberry, it happened several times, and I had to throw my changes to trash and begin all over again, cause the changes to the Basis had not propagated to all the other shapes. But really, can't tell when exactly it happens, cause I did some test, doing apparently the same thing, and some times it worked ok, sometimes it didn't.

I must also say that every time this happens, I'm editing an objects that has several modifiers... so perhaps it would be a good idea to check if modifiers could somehow cause the propagation process to not work properly?

I must also say that every time this happens, I'm editing an objects that has several modifiers... so perhaps it would be a good idea to check if modifiers could somehow cause the propagation process to not work properly?

OK, I think I've found the bug!

Well, at least for the GUI workflow part, not for the script I submitted.

So, I found the reason why changes to the Basis shape will not always propagate to the rest of the shapes. It's because of UNDO.


_Create a cube
_Add a Basis shape
_Add another shape and set it to 1
_Go to the Basis shape and enter edit mode.
_Move one vertex.
_Move it again and UNDO
_Go to object mode and play with key 1 slider, you'll notice that the vertex movement that was introduced to the Basis shape has not propagated to Key 1. Instead, Key 1 is no bringing back the original shape of the cube.

If yo happen to solve this, perhaps the report could be closed, but then ideasman should give me a hand with the shape propagation in my script!

OK, I think I've found the bug! Well, at least for the GUI workflow part, not for the script I submitted. So, I found the reason why changes to the Basis shape will not always propagate to the rest of the shapes. It's because of UNDO. Procedure: _Create a cube _Add a Basis shape _Add another shape and set it to 1 _Go to the Basis shape and enter edit mode. _Move one vertex. _Move it again and UNDO _Go to object mode and play with key 1 slider, you'll notice that the vertex movement that was introduced to the Basis shape has not propagated to Key 1. Instead, Key 1 is no bringing back the original shape of the cube. If yo happen to solve this, perhaps the report could be closed, but then ideasman should give me a hand with the shape propagation in my script!

Added subscriber: @GiantCowFIlms

Added subscriber: @GiantCowFIlms

Added subscribers: @SpectreFirst, @JosephCatrambone

Added subscribers: @SpectreFirst, @JosephCatrambone

Added subscriber: @Shaggy90

Added subscriber: @Shaggy90

Hi, I just wanted to point out that this bug still exists in 2.79. :( I just lost 30 minutes of work because some edits didn't apply to shape keys while some others did. Apparently using UNDO while editing basis is not safe.

Hi, I just wanted to point out that this bug still exists in 2.79. :( I just lost 30 minutes of work because some edits didn't apply to shape keys while some others did. Apparently using UNDO while editing basis is not safe.

Added subscriber: @AgentA1cr

Added subscriber: @AgentA1cr

Just noting that this bug still exists as of 2.93.0-a9e7d503ddcd. I'm still trying to figure out the extent of the damage, or if it's even fixable.

Just noting that this bug still exists as of 2.93.0-a9e7d503ddcd. I'm still trying to figure out the extent of the damage, or if it's even fixable.

Added subscriber: @georgK

Added subscriber: @georgK

Added subscriber: @KonstantinsVisnevskis

Added subscriber: @KonstantinsVisnevskis

Not sure if related, but I couldn't spot any direct causes, which doesn't satisfy a report of it's own, but Undo is probably involved:
Having 15 Shapekeys driven from animation. When editing them, the changes occasionally get applied quite randomly. For example - edited the Basis and one of OTHER Shapekeys, was Added (as in Blend From Shape -> Add) onto all of the rest of Shape Keys, except the Basis, and got nullified (lost it's own transformations) at the same time.
Another case - I edited the Basis and one of the shapekeys got the inverse transformation of it. Meaning - a single Shapekey (which wasn't even selected at any point) remains the same as it was, despite all of the others now being affected by the Basis change.
These things occur one to multiple times a week - rare enough not to spot the cause, but usually are quite time consuming if possible at all to fix.

Not sure if related, but I couldn't spot any direct causes, which doesn't satisfy a report of it's own, but Undo is probably involved: Having 15 Shapekeys driven from animation. When editing them, the changes occasionally get applied quite randomly. For example - edited the Basis and one of OTHER Shapekeys, was Added (as in Blend From Shape -> Add) onto all of the rest of Shape Keys, except the Basis, and got nullified (lost it's own transformations) at the same time. Another case - I edited the Basis and one of the shapekeys got the inverse transformation of it. Meaning - a single Shapekey (which wasn't even selected at any point) remains the same as it was, despite all of the others now being affected by the Basis change. These things occur one to multiple times a week - rare enough not to spot the cause, but usually are quite time consuming if possible at all to fix.
Philipp Oeser changed title from Shape keys get out of sync with Basis shape to Shape keys get out of sync with Basis shape (when using UNDO in basis modification or manipulating basis via python) 2022-01-20 15:52:07 +01:00

Added subscribers: @Art4D, @lichtwerk

Added subscribers: @Art4D, @lichtwerk

Added subscribers: @KOBELT, @Reoxur, @iss

Added subscribers: @KOBELT, @Reoxur, @iss

This bug is 6 years old, I don't think it will ever be fixed.
Can someone suggest an alternative?

I have a mesh with shape keys, in the base form of which I need to add vertexes, as well as edit the current ones. Everything works until I press ctrl+z out of habit. After clicking, I have to do useless work on correcting morphs for several hours, or roll back the file for several hours.

Any ideas?

This bug is 6 years old, I don't think it will ever be fixed. Can someone suggest an alternative? I have a mesh with shape keys, in the base form of which I need to add vertexes, as well as edit the current ones. Everything works until I press ctrl+z out of habit. After clicking, I have to do useless work on correcting morphs for several hours, or roll back the file for several hours. Any ideas?

@Art4D Same here. Just today I spent over an hour fixing shapekeys. And 2h 2 days ago, and 3h over the last week. Over the month that totals to about a full working day.

@Art4D Same here. Just today I spent over an hour fixing shapekeys. And 2h 2 days ago, and 3h over the last week. Over the month that totals to about a full working day.

The fix for #35170 causes this, see: dab0bd9de6
(if that change is disabled, this bug no longer happens).

Although I checked and this fix is still important as the original bug is triggered if it's reverted.

This needs some deeper investigation.

The fix for #35170 causes this, see: dab0bd9de6 (if that change is disabled, this bug no longer happens). Although I checked and this fix is still important as the original bug is triggered if it's reverted. This needs some deeper investigation.

Added subscriber: @Mysteryem-2

Added subscriber: @Mysteryem-2

Added subscriber: @AdamJanz

Added subscriber: @AdamJanz

This is an extremely severe bug, and there is no workaround whatsoever. Any application of Undo in the Basis shapekey, even just ONE press of Undo, will render ALL changes made to the Basis shapekey during that editing session UNTRANSFERABLE to existing shapekeys. I just tested several combinations of Vertex > Blend from Shape and Propagate from Shape, and there is NO combination that can transfer your changes in the Basis key correctly. Unfortunately, this bug renders Blender's shapekey system completely unusable.

This is an **extremely severe bug**, and there is no workaround whatsoever. Any application of Undo in the Basis shapekey, even just ONE press of Undo, will render **ALL** changes made to the Basis shapekey during that editing session UNTRANSFERABLE to existing shapekeys. I just tested several combinations of Vertex > Blend from Shape and Propagate from Shape, and there is NO combination that can transfer your changes in the Basis key correctly. Unfortunately, this bug renders Blender's shapekey system **completely unusable**.

Added subscriber: @dr.sybren

Added subscriber: @dr.sybren

I also think this is pretty bad and will add #animation_rigging (since riggers are most affected I think) for more opinions.

CC @dr.sybren

I also think this is pretty bad and will add #animation_rigging (since riggers are most affected I think) for more opinions. CC @dr.sybren

@lichtwerk Thank you, Philipp! I am indeed surprised this bug has managed to survive untouched for 7 years, but perhaps it went overlooked because editing the Basis shapekey is thought to be taboo by some? However, it's truly a vital feature during character development to be able to freely iterate and update the Basis shapekey at will. I consider this a high-priority fix because of the potential to literally destroy hours of work (and hundreds of individual actions) with a single lethal button press. Only actions done AFTER pressing Undo will be successfully propagated. If one has unwittingly saved their .blend file, and their Undo buffer is not set large enough, their entire project may be irreversibly damaged. I trust the talented Blender devs will look into this and find a great solution...

@lichtwerk Thank you, Philipp! I am indeed surprised this bug has managed to survive untouched for 7 years, but perhaps it went overlooked because editing the Basis shapekey is thought to be taboo by some? However, it's truly a vital feature during character development to be able to freely iterate and update the Basis shapekey at will. I consider this a **high-priority** fix because of the potential to literally destroy hours of work (and **hundreds** of individual actions) *with a single lethal button press*. Only actions done AFTER pressing Undo will be successfully propagated. If one has unwittingly saved their .blend file, and their Undo buffer is not set large enough, their entire project may be irreversibly damaged. I trust the talented Blender devs will look into this and find a great solution...

Added subscriber: @BClark

Added subscriber: @BClark

I hit this early on learning Blender but didn't know it was a bug, I thought I didn't know how to use Blender enough yet!!!

I hit this early on learning Blender but didn't know it was a bug, I thought I didn't know how to use Blender enough yet!!!

Added subscriber: @rwman

Added subscriber: @rwman

@AdamJanz to reduce the risk of such losses I would recommend some versioning system (Blender Animation Studio uses SVN, but other systems can be used of course). Putting the weight of having one bug in Blender destroy an entire production on the shoulders of Blender developers is not fair.

I agree that this is something to fix, though.

In #44415#1293175, @ideasman42 wrote:
This needs some deeper investigation.

Does this mean you're looking into it @ideasman42 ?

@AdamJanz to reduce the risk of such losses I would recommend some versioning system (Blender Animation Studio uses SVN, but other systems can be used of course). Putting the weight of having one bug in Blender destroy an entire production on the shoulders of Blender developers is not fair. I agree that this is something to fix, though. > In #44415#1293175, @ideasman42 wrote: > This needs some deeper investigation. Does this mean you're looking into it @ideasman42 ?

In #44415#1307403, @dr.sybren wrote:
I agree that this is something to fix, though.

I'll dare changing it to Bug then.

> In #44415#1307403, @dr.sybren wrote: > I agree that this is something to fix, though. I'll dare changing it to `Bug` then.

Added subscriber: @lictex_1

Added subscriber: @lictex_1

Added subscriber: @Yerus_Ovelha

Added subscriber: @Yerus_Ovelha

Thank you, everyone, for looking into the issue. I do save often with incremental file numbering so that can help should something go wrong. Of course, just being aware of the issue while I'm editing the Basis key is the best deterrent at accidental data loss. However, other users who encounter the issue for the first time would not be so fortunate.

(Perhaps related to this issue is a bug that manifests after creating and editing a shapekey and then moving it above the Basis to become the new "Basis". As a result, any changes to the old Basis shapekey (which is no longer the Basis)will now incorrectly affectALLkeys, including the NEW Basis key. Perhaps the underlying cause is related to Blender storing "absolute vertex coordinates" as @mont29 had mentioned above. Thankfully, this issue is not nearly as dangerous as #44415, and can be avoided entirely by simply duplicating the Basis key and then deleting the original Basis rather than re-ordering the keys. Still, the issue isvery "bug-like" and might surprise new users who don't know it's taboo to reorder a shapekey above the Basis.) I couldn't find this issue already reported, so if you wish, I can open a new one-- but perhaps the eventual fix for #44415 will solve it also? Again, thanks so much to the devs for all your amazing work!

Thank you, everyone, for looking into the issue. I do save often with incremental file numbering so that can help should something go wrong. Of course, just being aware of the issue while I'm editing the Basis key is the best deterrent at accidental data loss. However, other users who encounter the issue for the first time would not be so fortunate. (Perhaps related to this issue is a bug that manifests after creating and editing a shapekey and then moving it above the Basis to become the new "Basis". As a result, any changes to the old Basis shapekey **(which is no longer the Basis)**will now incorrectly affect**ALL**keys, including the NEW Basis key. Perhaps the underlying cause is related to Blender storing "absolute vertex coordinates" as @mont29 had mentioned above. Thankfully, this issue is not nearly as dangerous as #44415, and can be avoided entirely by simply duplicating the Basis key and then deleting the original Basis rather than re-ordering the keys. Still, the issue is**very** "bug-like" and might surprise new users who don't know it's taboo to reorder a shapekey above the Basis.) I couldn't find this issue already reported, so if you wish, I can open a new one-- but perhaps the eventual fix for #44415 will solve it also? Again, thanks so much to the devs for all your amazing work!

In #44415#1308388, @AdamJanz wrote:
[...]As a result, any changes to the old Basis shapekey (which is no longer the Basis)will now incorrectly affectALL keys, including the NEW Basis key[...]

What you're describing is the correct behaviour in my opinion. When you edit the Basis shapekey, it doesn't propagate changes to all the other shapekeys because it is the Basis shapekey, it propagates changes to all the other shapekeys because all the other shapekeys are (usually) Relative To the Basis shapekey. If you were to create a new shapekey and set its Relative To to itself or any other shapekey other than the Basis shapekey, making changes to the Basis shapekey would not affect that new shapekey. This behaviour can be confusing however, since no Relative To field is shown on the UI for the Basis shapekey, yet it is still affected by what it's set to. #79892 probably covers this issue already.

> In #44415#1308388, @AdamJanz wrote: > [...]As a result, any changes to the old Basis shapekey **(which is no longer the Basis)**will now incorrectly affect**ALL** keys, including the NEW Basis key[...] What you're describing is the correct behaviour in my opinion. When you edit the Basis shapekey, it doesn't propagate changes to all the other shapekeys *because it is the Basis shapekey*, it propagates changes to all the other shapekeys *because all the other shapekeys are (usually) `Relative To` the Basis shapekey*. If you were to create a new shapekey and set its `Relative To` to itself or any other shapekey other than the Basis shapekey, making changes to the Basis shapekey would not affect that new shapekey. This behaviour can be confusing however, since no `Relative To` field is shown on the UI for the Basis shapekey, yet it is still affected by what it's set to. #79892 probably covers this issue already.

Thanks Mysteryem. #79892 is indeed the exact bug I was referring to. Good find. Your explanation in that thread also makes sense, and I agree that either the new Basis should be forced to be relative to itself or allow the UI to display which key the Basis is relative to. This will help avoid majorly confusing scenarios. Glad the devs are already aware of this issue.

Thanks Mysteryem. #79892 is indeed the exact bug I was referring to. Good find. Your explanation in that thread also makes sense, and I agree that either the new Basis should be forced to be relative to itself or allow the UI to display which key the Basis is relative to. This will help avoid majorly confusing scenarios. Glad the devs are already aware of this issue.

This looks incredible, @ideasman42 !!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to try this fix out once it makes its way into one of the daily builds :-)

This looks incredible, @ideasman42 !!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to try this fix out once it makes its way into one of the daily builds :-)

Hi @AdamJanz, @jpbouza-4 and others interested in testing, here are builds of D14127, feedback would be appreciated.

Hi @AdamJanz, @jpbouza-4 and others interested in testing, here are builds of [D14127](, feedback would be appreciated. -[D14127]( -[D14127]( -[D14127]( -[D14127](

Amazing--- downloading the Windows build now, will test immediately and update you. Many thanks, @ideasman42 !!

Amazing--- downloading the Windows build now, will test immediately and update you. Many thanks, @ideasman42 !!

Hi @ideasman42 , firstly let me say this fantastic and does indeed solve the issue with using Undo on the Basis key!

After stress-testing though, I did discover one caveat: the fix works perfectly fine providing the vertex count has not changed when the Basis key is active. If, however, loop cuts are added to the mesh while the Basis key is active, and multiple changes are made to the Basis and Undo is pressed at least once, then the old behavior resumes and the changes made to the Basis will not propagate to the other keys. Nevertheless, if loop cuts are added while any key OTHER than the Basis is active, then the fix again works perfectly fine. I made a short Unlisted video showing both scenarios: EXAMPLE VIDEO

Example1: I add loop cuts while the Basis key is active, then edit the Basis key twice and Undo the last action (the old behavior resumes, and prevents changes from propagating).

Example2: I add loop cuts while Key1 is active, then edit the Basis key twice and Undo the last action (here your fix allows changes to correctly propagate).

I hope this info helps. You are super, super close to a permanent solution!! Again, thank you for your incredible work on this!

Hi @ideasman42 , firstly let me say this fantastic and does indeed solve the issue with using Undo on the Basis key! After stress-testing though, I did discover one caveat: the fix works perfectly fine **providing the vertex count has not changed when the Basis key is active**. If, however, loop cuts are added to the mesh **while the Basis key is active**, and multiple changes are made to the Basis and Undo is pressed at least once, then the old behavior resumes and the changes made to the Basis will not propagate to the other keys. **Nevertheless**, if loop cuts are added while any key **OTHER** than the Basis is active, then the fix again works **perfectly fine**. I made a short Unlisted video showing both scenarios: [EXAMPLE VIDEO ]( Example1: I add loop cuts while the Basis key is active, then edit the Basis key twice and Undo the last action (the old behavior resumes, and prevents changes from propagating). Example2: I add loop cuts while Key1 is active, then edit the Basis key twice and Undo the last action (here your fix allows changes to correctly propagate). I hope this info helps. You are super, super close to a permanent solution!! Again, thank you for your incredible work on this!

Additional info-- I just discovered a third scenario:

Example 3: I add loop cuts while the Basis key is active, then EXIT Edit mode. I then re-enter Edit mode, edit the Basis key twice and Undo the last action (here your fix allows changes to correctly propagate).

This scenario works the same as Example 2. The only difference is exiting Edit mode is required before any changes can be made to the Basis.

Video of Example 3

Additional info-- I just discovered a third scenario: Example 3: I add loop cuts while the Basis key is active, then EXIT Edit mode. I then re-enter Edit mode, edit the Basis key twice and Undo the last action (here your fix allows changes to correctly propagate). This scenario works the same as Example 2. The only difference is exiting Edit mode is **required** before any changes can be made to the Basis. [Video of Example 3 ](

Thanks for your feedback @AdamJanz (note, it would be better to have this discussion in D14127).

Firstly, can you confirm the issues you've mentioned are not bugs in functionality that previously worked?
If they are - D14127 may need to be re-thought.

If they are not, the issues you mention can be handled as separate reports since I rather not introduce multiple fixes in a single diff as it complicates review and any problems discovered later are more difficult to track down.

Details: There is a limitation with the current logic that means adding new vertices causes the basis key not to update other keys, the changes from D14127 allow the limitation be removed but I'd need to double check the result (from some initial tests P2803 may be acceptable).

Thanks for your feedback @AdamJanz (note, it would be better to have this discussion in [D14127]( Firstly, can you confirm the issues you've mentioned are not bugs in functionality that previously worked? *If they are - [D14127]( may need to be re-thought.* If they are not, the issues you mention can be handled as separate reports since I rather not introduce multiple fixes in a single diff as it complicates review and any problems discovered later are more difficult to track down. ------ Details: There is a limitation with the current logic that means adding new vertices causes the basis key not to update other keys, the changes from [D14127]( allow the limitation be removed but I'd need to double check the result (from some initial tests [P2803]( may be acceptable).

You're welcome @ideasman42 ! Sure, I can switch further discussion over to D14127, but I didn't think non-devs were supposed to comment in there. :-)

Since I discovered the issues during testing I initially assumed they were related, however, I can now confirm that the issues described already existed in Blender and are NOT recent regressions. I tested your 3.2 D14127 build, and the official 3.0.1 and 2.93.2 builds, and even the now-ancient 2.79b, and all 3 Examples I gave previously are reproducible even if the Undo command is NOT invoked.

So that means the issue involving Undo has been solved-- and in the process we happened to stumble across a vintage bug and its 2 workarounds:

  1. If vertices are added while the Basis key is active, any changes made to the vertices in the Basis key will NOT propagate to other keys.
  2. If vertices are added while the Basis key is active, and Edit Mode is then exited and re-entered before making changes, any changes made to the vertices in the Basis key WILL correctly propagate to other keys.
  3. If vertices are added while any key OTHER than the Basis key is active, any changes made to the vertices in the Basis key WILL correctly propagate to other keys.

If you wish, I can open a separate bug report for this, unless you feel the changes you made in D14127 will allow for a combined fix.

Thanks again for your incredible work!

You're welcome @ideasman42 ! Sure, I can switch further discussion over to [D14127](, but I didn't think non-devs were supposed to comment in there. :-) Since I discovered the issues during testing I initially assumed they were related, however, I can now confirm that the issues described **already existed** in Blender and are NOT recent regressions. I tested your 3.2 [D14127]( build, and the official 3.0.1 and 2.93.2 builds, and even the now-ancient 2.79b, and all 3 Examples I gave previously are reproducible **even if the Undo command is NOT invoked**. So that means the issue involving Undo has been solved-- and in the process we happened to stumble across a vintage bug and its 2 workarounds: 1. If vertices are added while the Basis key is active, any changes made to the vertices in the Basis key will NOT propagate to other keys. 2. If vertices are added while the Basis key is active, and Edit Mode is then exited and re-entered before making changes, any changes made to the vertices in the Basis key WILL correctly propagate to other keys. 3. If vertices are added while any key OTHER than the Basis key is active, any changes made to the vertices in the Basis key WILL correctly propagate to other keys. If you wish, I can open a separate bug report for this, unless you feel the changes you made in [D14127]( will allow for a combined fix. Thanks again for your incredible work!

This issue was referenced by bfdbc78466

This issue was referenced by bfdbc78466ac14d45f353db9aa39cb21bb962701

Changed status from 'Confirmed' to: 'Resolved'

Changed status from 'Confirmed' to: 'Resolved'
Campbell Barton self-assigned this 2022-02-22 00:03:18 +01:00

@AdamJanz thanks for the detailed feedback.

Yes, please report a bug regarding vertices being added causing the basis key not to apply offsets to any other shapes. Even though removing this limitation is on my radar, it would be good to have a test-case and report for reference.

@AdamJanz thanks for the detailed feedback. Yes, please report a bug regarding vertices being added causing the basis key not to apply offsets to any other shapes. Even though removing this limitation is on my radar, it would be good to have a test-case and report for reference.

You're welcome, @ideasman42 ! I should be able to file a report within the next few days. Have a great week. :-)

You're welcome, @ideasman42 ! I should be able to file a report within the next few days. Have a great week. :-)
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