UI: Widen Search Boxes When Necessary #104603

Harley Acheson merged 3 commits from Harley/blender:SearchWidth into main 2023-02-24 00:07:27 +01:00

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@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ struct uiSearchboxData {
rcti bbox;
uiFontStyle fstyle;
uiSearchItems items;
bool size_set;
ARegion *butregion;
uiButSearch *search_but;
/** index in items array */
int active;
/** when menu opened with enough space for this */
@ -702,55 +705,35 @@ static void ui_searchbox_region_listen_fn(const wmRegionListenerParams *params)
static ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_generic_ex(bContext *C,
ARegion *butregion,
uiButSearch *but,
const bool use_shortcut_sep)
static uiMenuItemSeparatorType ui_searchbox_item_separator(uiSearchboxData *data)
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
const uiStyle *style = UI_style_get();
const float aspect = but->block->aspect;
uiMenuItemSeparatorType separator_type = data->use_shortcut_sep ?
if (separator_type == UI_MENU_ITEM_SEPARATOR_NONE && !data->preview) {
for (int a = 0; a < data->items.totitem; a++) {
Harley marked this conversation as resolved

I don't think we should limit this to 30. There's no particular reason to expect the user to need to select an item from the first 30 more often than the others.

I don't think we should limit this to 30. There's no particular reason to expect the user to need to select an item from the first 30 more often than the others.
if (data->items.but_flags[a] & UI_BUT_HAS_SEP_CHAR) {
return separator_type;
static void ui_searchbox_region_layout_fn(const struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *region)
uiSearchboxData *data = (uiSearchboxData *)region->regiondata;
if (data->size_set) {
/* Already set. */
uiButSearch *but = data->search_but;
ARegion *butregion = data->butregion;
const int margin = UI_POPUP_MARGIN;
/* create area region */
ARegion *region = ui_region_temp_add(CTX_wm_screen(C));
static ARegionType type;
memset(&type, 0, sizeof(ARegionType));
type.draw = ui_searchbox_region_draw_fn;
type.free = ui_searchbox_region_free_fn;
type.listener = ui_searchbox_region_listen_fn;
type.regionid = RGN_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
region->type = &type;
/* Create search-box data. */
uiSearchboxData *data = MEM_cnew<uiSearchboxData>(__func__);
data->search_arg = but->arg;
data->search_listener = but->listen_fn;
/* Set font, get the bounding-box. */
data->fstyle = style->widget; /* copy struct */
ui_fontscale(&data->fstyle.points, aspect);
region->regiondata = data;
/* Special case, hard-coded feature, not draw backdrop when called from menus,
* assume for design that popup already added it. */
if (but->block->flag & UI_BLOCK_SEARCH_MENU) {
data->noback = true;
if (but->a1 > 0 && but->a2 > 0) {
data->preview = true;
data->prv_rows = but->a1;
data->prv_cols = but->a2;
if (but->optype != nullptr || use_shortcut_sep) {
data->use_shortcut_sep = true;
data->sep_string = but->item_sep_string;
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
/* compute position */
if (but->block->flag & UI_BLOCK_SEARCH_MENU) {
@ -775,7 +758,12 @@ static ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_generic_ex(bContext *C,
else {
const int searchbox_width = UI_searchbox_size_x();
int searchbox_width = UI_searchbox_size_x();
/* We should make this wider if there is a path or hint on the right. */
if (ui_searchbox_item_separator(data) != UI_MENU_ITEM_SEPARATOR_NONE) {
searchbox_width += 12 * data->fstyle.points * U.dpi_fac;
rctf rect_fl;
rect_fl.xmin = but->rect.xmin - 5; /* align text with button */
@ -845,6 +833,64 @@ static ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_generic_ex(bContext *C,
region->winrct.ymax = rect_i.ymax;
region->winx = region->winrct.xmax - region->winrct.xmin;
region->winy = region->winrct.ymax - region->winrct.ymin;
data->size_set = true;
static ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_generic_ex(bContext *C,
ARegion *butregion,
uiButSearch *but,
const bool use_shortcut_sep)
const uiStyle *style = UI_style_get();
const float aspect = but->block->aspect;
/* create area region */
ARegion *region = ui_region_temp_add(CTX_wm_screen(C));
static ARegionType type;
memset(&type, 0, sizeof(ARegionType));
type.layout = ui_searchbox_region_layout_fn;
type.draw = ui_searchbox_region_draw_fn;
type.free = ui_searchbox_region_free_fn;
type.listener = ui_searchbox_region_listen_fn;
type.regionid = RGN_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
region->type = &type;
/* Create search-box data. */
uiSearchboxData *data = MEM_cnew<uiSearchboxData>(__func__);
data->search_arg = but->arg;
data->search_but = but;
data->butregion = butregion;
data->size_set = false;
data->search_listener = but->listen_fn;
/* Set font, get the bounding-box. */
data->fstyle = style->widget; /* copy struct */
ui_fontscale(&data->fstyle.points, aspect);
region->regiondata = data;
/* Special case, hard-coded feature, not draw backdrop when called from menus,
* assume for design that popup already added it. */
if (but->block->flag & UI_BLOCK_SEARCH_MENU) {
data->noback = true;
if (but->a1 > 0 && but->a2 > 0) {
data->preview = true;
data->prv_rows = but->a1;
data->prv_cols = but->a2;
if (but->optype != nullptr || use_shortcut_sep) {
data->use_shortcut_sep = true;
data->sep_string = but->item_sep_string;
/* adds subwindow */