Fix #108495: Pasting a material crashes #108496

Campbell Barton wants to merge 4 commits from ideasman42/blender:pr-material-clipboard-as-blend into blender-v3.6-release

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
6 changed files with 207 additions and 210 deletions

View File

@ -173,20 +173,6 @@ void ramp_blend(int type, float r_col[3], float fac, const float col[3]);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Copy/Paste
* \{ */
void BKE_material_copybuf_clear(void);
void BKE_material_copybuf_free(void);
void BKE_material_copybuf_copy(struct Main *bmain, struct Material *ma);
* \return true when the material was modified.
bool BKE_material_copybuf_paste(struct Main *bmain, struct Material *ma);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Default Materials
* \{ */

View File

@ -970,18 +970,32 @@ void BKE_blendfile_workspace_config_data_free(WorkspaceConfigFileData *workspace
/** \name Blend File Write (Partial)
* \{ */
void BKE_blendfile_write_partial_begin(Main *bmain_src)
static void blendfile_write_partial_clear_flags(Main *bmain_src)
BKE_main_id_tag_all(bmain_src, LIB_TAG_NEED_EXPAND | LIB_TAG_DOIT, false);
ListBase *lbarray[INDEX_ID_MAX];
int a = set_listbasepointers(bmain_src, lbarray);
while (a--) {
LISTBASE_FOREACH (ID *, id, lbarray[a]) {
id->flag &= ~(LIB_CLIPBOARD_MARK);
void BKE_blendfile_write_partial_begin(Main *bmain)
void BKE_blendfile_write_partial_tag_ID(ID *id, bool set)
if (set) {
else {
id->flag &= ~LIB_CLIPBOARD_MARK;
@ -1080,7 +1094,7 @@ bool BKE_blendfile_write_partial(Main *bmain_src,
void BKE_blendfile_write_partial_end(Main *bmain_src)
BKE_main_id_tag_all(bmain_src, LIB_TAG_NEED_EXPAND | LIB_TAG_DOIT, false);
/** \} */

View File

@ -75,8 +75,6 @@
static CLG_LogRef LOG = {"bke.material"};
static void material_clear_data(ID *id);
static void material_init_data(ID *id)
Material *material = (Material *)id;
@ -132,26 +130,6 @@ static void material_copy_data(Main *bmain, ID *id_dst, const ID *id_src, const
/* TODO: Duplicate Engine Settings and set runtime to nullptr. */
* Ensure pointers to allocated memory is cleared
* (the kind of data that would have to be copied).
* \note Keep in sync with #material_free_data.
* \note Doesn't handle animation data (`ma->adt`).
static void material_clear_data(ID *id)
Material *material = (Material *)id;
material->texpaintslot = nullptr;
material->gp_style = nullptr;
material->nodetree = nullptr;
material->preview = nullptr;
id->icon_id = 0;
static void material_free_data(ID *id)
Material *material = (Material *)id;
@ -1920,170 +1898,6 @@ void ramp_blend(int type, float r_col[3], const float fac, const float col[3])
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Material Copy/Paste
* As materials may reference other data, the clipboard only stores a subset of all possible data.
* The material and it's node-tree are stored and nothing else.
* Notably the following variables are *not* part of the clipboard.
* - The #ID (name, fake-user, custom-properties .. etc).
* - Animation data (#Material::adt, #bNodeTree::adt).
* - Texture paint slots (#Material::texpaintslot)
* as this is cache and references other ID's.
* - Grease pencil style (#Material::gp_style)
* could be supported but ID's and pointers would need to be handled carefully.
* When pasting, some data in the destination material is left as-is:
* - The #ID.
* - Animation data, with the exception that pasting a material without a node-tree
* will clear the existing materials node-tree & its animation.
* Note that applying existing animation to the pasted material might not make sense
* and may reference data-paths that don't resolve (depending on the kind of material).
* The user might need to clear the animation in this case.
* \{ */
static Material matcopybuf;
static short matcopied = 0;
void BKE_material_copybuf_clear(void)
if (matcopied) {
matcopybuf = blender::dna::shallow_zero_initialize();
matcopied = 0;
* Some members should *never* be set, ensure this is always the case.
* Call at the beginning & end of functions that manipulate the clipboard.
static void material_copybuf_assert_is_valid()
if (matcopybuf.nodetree) {
void BKE_material_copybuf_free(void)
matcopied = 0;
void BKE_material_copybuf_copy(Main *bmain, Material *ma)
if (matcopied) {
matcopybuf = blender::dna::shallow_copy(*ma);
/* Not essential, but we never want to use any ID values from the source,
* this ensures that never happens. */
memset(&, 0, sizeof(ID));
/* Ensure dangling pointers are never copied back into a material. */
/* Unhandled by materials generic data functions. */
matcopybuf.adt = nullptr;
if (ma->nodetree != nullptr) {
/* Never copy animation data. */
struct {
AnimData *adt;
} backup;
backup.adt = ma->nodetree->adt;
ma->nodetree->adt = nullptr;
matcopybuf.nodetree = blender::bke::ntreeCopyTree_ex(ma->nodetree, bmain, false);
matcopybuf.nodetree->owner_id = nullptr;
ma->nodetree->adt = backup.adt;
/* TODO: Duplicate Engine Settings and set runtime to nullptr. */
matcopied = 1;
bool BKE_material_copybuf_paste(Main *bmain, Material *ma)
if (matcopied == 0) {
return false;
/* `matcopybuf` never has animation data, no need to check. */
const bool has_animdata = (ma->adt != nullptr || (ma->nodetree && ma->nodetree->adt));
const bool has_node_tree = (ma->nodetree || matcopybuf.nodetree);
AnimData *backup_nodetree_adt = nullptr;
if (ma->nodetree && matcopybuf.nodetree) {
/* Keep data to apply back to the new node-tree. */
std::swap(backup_nodetree_adt, ma->nodetree->adt);
/* Handles freeing nodes and and other run-time data (previews) for e.g. */
/* Copy from `matcopybuf` preserving some members.
* NOTE: animation data isn't stored in the clipboard, any existing animation will be left as-is.
* Any undesired animation will have to be manually cleared by the user. */
struct {
ID id;
AnimData *adt;
} backup; = ma->id;
backup.adt = ma->adt;
*ma = blender::dna::shallow_copy(matcopybuf);
ma->id =;
ma->adt = backup.adt;
if (matcopybuf.nodetree != nullptr) {
BLI_assert(matcopybuf.nodetree->adt == nullptr);
ma->nodetree = blender::bke::ntreeCopyTree_ex(matcopybuf.nodetree, bmain, false);
ma->nodetree->owner_id = &ma->id;
/* Restore animation pointer (if set). */
BLI_assert(ma->nodetree->adt == nullptr);
ma->nodetree->adt = backup_nodetree_adt;
if (has_node_tree || has_animdata) {
/* Important to run this when the embedded tree if freed,
* otherwise the depsgraph holds a reference to the (now freed) `ma->nodetree`.
* Also run this when a new node-tree is set to ensure it's accounted for.
* This also applies to animation data which is likely to be stored in the depsgraph. */
return true;
/** \} */
void BKE_material_eval(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Material *material)
DEG_debug_print_eval(depsgraph, __func__, material->, material);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_ID.h"
#include "DNA_curve_types.h"
#include "DNA_light_types.h"
#include "DNA_lightprobe_types.h"
@ -23,12 +24,15 @@
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_math_vector.h"
#include "BLI_path_util.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "BKE_anim_data.h"
#include "BKE_animsys.h"
#include "BKE_appdir.h"
#include "BKE_blender_copybuffer.h"
#include "BKE_brush.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_curve.h"
@ -37,6 +41,8 @@
#include "BKE_image.h"
#include "BKE_layer.h"
#include "BKE_lib_id.h"
#include "BKE_lib_query.h"
#include "BKE_lib_remap.h"
#include "BKE_lightprobe.h"
#include "BKE_linestyle.h"
#include "BKE_main.h"
@ -2730,8 +2736,7 @@ void TEXTURE_OT_slot_move(wmOperatorType *ot)
/** \name Material Copy Operator
* \{ */
/* material copy/paste */
static int copy_material_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator * /*op*/)
static int copy_material_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Material *ma = static_cast<Material *>(
CTX_data_pointer_get_type(C, "material", &RNA_Material).data);
@ -2740,7 +2745,19 @@ static int copy_material_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator * /*op*/)
BKE_material_copybuf_copy(CTX_data_main(C), ma);
char filepath[FILE_MAX];
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
/* Mark is the material to use (others may be expanded). */
BLI_path_join(filepath, sizeof(filepath), BKE_tempdir_base(), "copybuffer_material.blend");
BKE_copybuffer_copy_end(bmain, filepath, op->reports);
/* We are all done! */
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "Copied material to internal clipboard");
@ -2766,8 +2783,47 @@ void MATERIAL_OT_copy(wmOperatorType *ot)
/** \name Material Paste Operator
* \{ */
* Clear ID's as freeing the data-block doesn't handle reference counting.
static int paste_material_nodetree_ids_decref(LibraryIDLinkCallbackData *cb_data)
if (cb_data->cb_flag & IDWALK_CB_USER) {
*cb_data->id_pointer = nullptr;
* Re-map ID's from the clipboard to ID's in `main`, by name.
static int paste_material_nodetree_ids_relink_or_clear(LibraryIDLinkCallbackData *cb_data)
Main *bmain = static_cast<Main *>(cb_data->user_data);
ID **id_p = cb_data->id_pointer;
if (*id_p) {
if (cb_data->cb_flag & IDWALK_CB_USER) {
ListBase *lb = which_libbase(bmain, GS((*id_p)->name));
ID *id_local = static_cast<ID *>(
BLI_findstring(lb, (*id_p)->name + 2, offsetof(ID, name) + 2));
*id_p = id_local;
if (cb_data->cb_flag & IDWALK_CB_USER) {
else if (cb_data->cb_flag & IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE) {
static int paste_material_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Find it weird that this is only cleared in refcounting case? Any reason not to always clear that pointer?

Find it weird that this is only cleared in refcounting case? Any reason not to always clear that pointer?

Good catch, should always be cleared.

Good catch, should always be cleared.
Material *ma = static_cast<Material *>(
CTX_data_pointer_get_type(C, "material", &RNA_Material).data);
@ -2776,11 +2832,131 @@ static int paste_material_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Not sure about this check, a material could reference another one, in which case both will be written in the buffer .blend, and read back into temp_main?

Not sure about this check, a material could reference another one, in which case both will be written in the buffer .blend, and read back into `temp_main`?

I checked on ways to link to materials from the shader and didn't see any - although someone could reference a material from an ID property, so we should support multiple materials.

I checked on ways to link to materials from the shader and didn't see any - although someone could reference a material from an ID property, so we should support multiple materials.

I checked on ways to link to materials from the shader and didn't see any - although someone could reference a material from an ID property, so we should support multiple materials.

I checked on ways to link to materials from the shader and didn't see any - although someone could reference a material from an ID property, so we should support multiple materials.
if (!BKE_material_copybuf_paste(CTX_data_main(C), ma)) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "No material in the internal clipboard to paste");
/* Read copy buffer .blend file. */
char filepath[FILE_MAX];
Main *temp_bmain = BKE_main_new();
STRNCPY(temp_bmain->filepath, BKE_main_blendfile_path_from_global());
BLI_path_join(filepath, sizeof(filepath), BKE_tempdir_base(), "copybuffer_material.blend");
/* NOTE(@ideasman42) The node tree might reference different kinds of ID types.
* It's not clear-cut which ID types should be included, although it's unlikely
* users would want an entire scene & it's objects to be included.
* Filter a subset of ID types with some reasons for including them. */
const uint64_t ntree_filter = (
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Should also check for IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE and call id_us_ensure_real in such case.

Although probably not effectively needed here, would rather keep ID management code as consistent as possible.

Should also check for `IDWALK_CB_USER_ONE` and call `id_us_ensure_real` in such case. Although probably not effectively needed here, would rather keep ID management code as consistent as possible.
/* Material is necessary for reading the clipboard. */
/* Node-groups. */
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

This block does not make sense to me, why only handle animdata if the material has an embedded nodetree?

This block does not make sense to me, why only handle animdata if the material has an embedded nodetree?

This is correct but I can see why it seems strange.

  • The nodetree in the clipboard never has animation data (ensured by the code which copies).
  • The nodetree being overwritten might have animation data.
  • If the nodetree in the clipboard is NULL, then we loose this materials animation data (as the node-tree is cleared).
  • If the local node-tree has animation data, then it can be transfered to the new node tree.

We could create a node-tree for the purpose of keeping the animation data around, I don't have such a strong opinion on this though.

Either way, I'll update comment.

This is correct but I can see why it seems strange. - The nodetree in the clipboard never has animation data (ensured by the code which copies). - The nodetree being overwritten might have animation data. - If the nodetree in the clipboard is NULL, then we loose this materials animation data (as the node-tree is cleared). - If the local node-tree has animation data, then it can be transfered to the new node tree. We could create a node-tree for the purpose of keeping the animation data around, I don't have such a strong opinion on this though. Either way, I'll update comment.

But here you are swapping the animation data of the materials, not of their nodetrees?

But here you are swapping the animation data of the materials, not of their nodetrees?

Ugh, your right, I'll push an update soon.

Ugh, your right, I'll push an update soon.
/* Image textures. */
/* Internal text (scripts). */
/* Texture coordinates may reference objects.
* Note that object data is *not* included. */
if (!BKE_copybuffer_read(temp_bmain, filepath, op->reports, ntree_filter)) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Internal clipboard is empty");
/* There may be multiple materials,
* check for a property that marks this as the active material. */
Material *ma_from = nullptr;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (Material *, ma_iter, &temp_bmain->materials) {
if (ma_iter->id.flag & LIB_CLIPBOARD_MARK) {
ma_from = ma_iter;
/* Make sure data from this file is usable for material paste. */
if (ma_from == nullptr) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Internal clipboard is not from a material");
/* Keep animation by moving local animation to the paste node-tree. */
if (ma->nodetree && ma_from->nodetree) {
BLI_assert(ma_from->nodetree->adt == nullptr);
std::swap(ma->nodetree->adt, ma_from->nodetree->adt);
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Would rather see this logic replaced by BKE_lib_id_swap, with 'back-swapping' of data that needs to be kept. Or if not possible, have a comment why own custom logic is needed here.

Would rather see this logic replaced by `BKE_lib_id_swap`, with 'back-swapping' of data that needs to be kept. Or if not possible, have a comment why own custom logic is needed here.

Agree this swapping is more involved than I'd like, probably simpler to swap all members we want to copy. Since swapping then keeping some gets a bit involved, while it reduces the chance we forget some members, most features are added as nodes these days anyway.

Agree this swapping is more involved than I'd like, probably simpler to swap all members we want to copy. Since swapping then keeping some gets a bit involved, while it reduces the chance we forget some members, most features are added as nodes these days anyway.
/* Needed to update #SpaceNode::nodetree else a stale pointer is used. */
if (ma->nodetree) {
bNodeTree *nodetree = ma->nodetree;
BKE_libblock_remap(bmain, ma->nodetree, ma_from->nodetree, ID_REMAP_FORCE_UI_POINTERS);
/* Free & clear data here, so user counts are handled, otherwise it's
* freed as part of #BKE_main_free which doesn't handle user-counts. */
/* Walk over all the embedded nodes ID's (non-recursively). */
bmain, &nodetree->id, paste_material_nodetree_ids_decref, nullptr, IDWALK_NOP);
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Do not use ma as name here, it shadows ma declared at beginning of the function... and makes the code fairly confusing to read. ma_iter?

Do not use `ma` as name here, it shadows `ma` declared at beginning of the function... and makes the code fairly confusing to read. `ma_iter`?
ma->nodetree = nullptr;
/* Swap data-block content, while swapping isn't always needed,
* it means memory is properly freed in the case of allocations.. */
#define SWAP_MEMBER(member) std::swap(ma->member, ma_from->member)
/* Intentionally skip:
* - Texture painting slots.
* - Preview render.
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Please use proper callback for non-trivial logic, this is way too long to belong to such lamda syntax.

Please use proper callback for non-trivial logic, this is way too long to belong to such lamda syntax.
* - Grease pencil styles (we could although they reference many ID's themselves).
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

This looks useless?

This looks useless?
ideasman42 marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Would always tag deg for relations update tbh. IMHO it's very hard to be sure that they are not needed in such case.

Would always tag deg for relations update tbh. IMHO it's very hard to be sure that they are not needed in such case.
/* The node-tree from the clipboard is now assigned to the local material,
* however the ID's it references are still part of `temp_bmain`.
* These data-blocks references must be cleared or replaces with references to `bmain`.
* TODO(@ideasman42): support merging indirectly referenced data-blocks besides the material,
* this would be useful for pasting materials with node-groups between files. */
if (ma->nodetree) {
ma->nodetree->owner_id = nullptr;
/* Map remote ID's to local ones. */
bmain, &ma->nodetree->id, paste_material_nodetree_ids_relink_or_clear, bmain, IDWALK_NOP);
/* Important to run this when the embedded tree if freed,
* otherwise the depsgraph holds a reference to the (now freed) `ma->nodetree`.
* Also run this when a new node-tree is set to ensure it's accounted for.
* This also applies to animation data which is likely to be stored in the depsgraph.
* Always call instead of checking when it *might* be needed. */
DEG_id_tag_update(&ma->id, ID_RECALC_COPY_ON_WRITE);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MATERIAL | ND_SHADING_LINKS, ma);

View File

@ -709,6 +709,15 @@ enum {
* was kept around (because e.g. detected as user-edited).
* This `id` was explicitly copied as part of a clipboard copy operation.
* When reading the clipboard back, this can be used to check which ID's are
* intended to be part of the clipboard, compared with ID's that were indirectly referenced.
* While the flag is typically cleared, a saved file may have this set for some data-blocks,
* so it must be treated as dirty.

View File

@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ void WM_init(bContext *C, int argc, const char **argv)
@ -608,7 +607,6 @@ void WM_exit_ex(bContext *C, const bool do_python, const bool do_user_exit_actio