UI: Rename RGB to Color #112471

Gangneron wants to merge 7 commits from (deleted):Rename_RGB_to_Color into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
3 changed files with 87 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ DefNode(Node, NODE_GROUP_INPUT, def_group_input, "GROUP_
DefNode(Node, NODE_GROUP_OUTPUT, def_group_output, "GROUP_OUTPUT", GroupOutput, "Group Output", "Output data from inside of a node group")
DefNode(Node, NODE_REROUTE, 0, "REROUTE", Reroute, "Reroute", "A single-socket organization tool that supports one input and multiple outputs")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_RGB, 0, "RGB", RGB, "RGB", "A color picker")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_RGB, 0, "RGB", RGB, "Color", "A color picker")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_VALUE, 0, "VALUE", Value, "Value", "Used to Input numerical values to other nodes in the tree")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_MIX_RGB_LEGACY, def_mix_rgb, "MIX_RGB", MixRGB, "MixRGB", "Mix two input colors")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_VALTORGB, def_colorramp, "VALTORGB", ValToRGB, "Color Ramp", "Map values to colors with the use of a gradient")
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_GLASS, def_glass, "BSD
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_REFRACTION, def_refraction, "BSDF_REFRACTION", BsdfRefraction, "Refraction BSDF", "Glossy refraction with sharp or microfacet distribution, typically used for materials that transmit light")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_TRANSLUCENT, 0, "BSDF_TRANSLUCENT", BsdfTranslucent, "Translucent BSDF", "Lambertian diffuse transmission")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_TRANSPARENT, 0, "BSDF_TRANSPARENT", BsdfTransparent, "Transparent BSDF", "Transparency without refraction, passing straight through the surface as if there were no geometry")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_VELVET, 0, "BSDF_VELVET", BsdfVelvet, "Velvet BSDF", "Reflection for materials such as cloth.\nTypically mixed with other shaders (such as a Diffuse Shader) and is not particularly useful on its own")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_SHEEN, def_sheen, "BSDF_SHEEN", BsdfSheen, "Sheen BSDF", "Reflection for materials such as cloth.\nTypically mixed with other shaders (such as a Diffuse Shader) and is not particularly useful on its own")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_TOON, def_toon, "BSDF_TOON", BsdfToon, "Toon BSDF", "Diffuse and Glossy shaders with cartoon light effects")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_HAIR, def_hair, "BSDF_HAIR", BsdfHair, "Hair BSDF", "Reflection and transmission shaders optimized for hair rendering")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BSDF_HAIR_PRINCIPLED, def_hair_principled, "BSDF_HAIR_PRINCIPLED", BsdfHairPrincipled, "Principled Hair BSDF", "Physically-based, easy-to-use shader for rendering hair and fur")
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BLACKBODY, 0, "BLA
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_BUMP, def_sh_bump, "BUMP", Bump, "Bump", "Generate a perturbed normal from a height texture for bump mapping. Typically used for faking highly detailed surfaces")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_NORMAL_MAP, def_sh_normal_map, "NORMAL_MAP", NormalMap, "Normal Map", "Generate a perturbed normal from an RGB normal map image. Typically used for faking highly detailed surfaces")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_TANGENT, def_sh_tangent, "TANGENT", Tangent, "Tangent", "Generate a tangent direction for the Anisotropic BSDF")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_SCRIPT, def_sh_script, "SCRIPT", Script, "Script", "Generate an OSL shader from a file or text data-block.\nNote: OSL shaders are not supported on the GPU")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_SCRIPT, def_sh_script, "SCRIPT", Script, "Script", "Generate an OSL shader from a file or text data-block.\nNote: OSL shaders are not supported on all GPU backends")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_TEX_IMAGE, def_sh_tex_image, "TEX_IMAGE", TexImage, "Image Texture", "Sample an image file as a texture")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_TEX_ENVIRONMENT, def_sh_tex_environment, "TEX_ENVIRONMENT", TexEnvironment, "Environment Texture","Sample an image file as an environment texture. Typically used to light the scene with the background node")
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_TEX_SKY, def_sh_tex_sky, "TEX_SKY", TexSky, "Sky Texture", "Generate a procedural sky texture")
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_SEPARATE_COLOR, def_sh_combsep_color, "SEP
DefNode(ShaderNode, SH_NODE_MIX, def_sh_mix, "MIX", Mix, "Mix", "Mix values by a factor")
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_VIEWER, def_cmp_viewer, "VIEWER", Viewer, "Viewer", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_RGB, 0, "RGB", RGB, "RGB", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_RGB, 0, "RGB", RGB, "Color", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_VALUE, 0, "VALUE", Value, "Value", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_MIX_RGB, def_mix_rgb, "MIX_RGB", MixRGB, "Mix", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_VALTORGB, def_colorramp, "VALTORGB", ValToRGB, "Color Ramp", "" )
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_HUE_SAT, 0, "HUE_SA
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_IMAGE, def_cmp_image, "IMAGE", Image, "Image", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_R_LAYERS, def_cmp_render_layers, "R_LAYERS", RLayers, "Render Layers", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_COMPOSITE, def_cmp_composite, "COMPOSITE", Composite, "Composite", "" )
/* NOTE: #OutputFile node has special RNA setup function called in rna_nodetree.c */
/* NOTE: #OutputFile node has special RNA setup function called in `rna_nodetree.cc`. */
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_OUTPUT_FILE, 0, "OUTPUT_FILE", OutputFile, "File Output", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_TEXTURE, def_texture, "TEXTURE", Texture, "Texture", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_TRANSLATE, def_cmp_translate, "TRANSLATE", Translate, "Translate", "" )
@ -218,12 +218,13 @@ DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_DENOISE, def_cmp_denoise, "DENOIS
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_EXPOSURE, 0, "EXPOSURE", Exposure, "Exposure", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_ANTIALIASING, def_cmp_antialiasing, "ANTIALIASING", AntiAliasing, "Anti-Aliasing", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_POSTERIZE, 0, "POSTERIZE", Posterize, "Posterize", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_CONVERT_COLOR_SPACE,def_cmp_convert_color_space, "CONVERT_COLORSPACE", ConvertColorSpace, "Color Space", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_CONVERT_COLOR_SPACE,def_cmp_convert_color_space, "CONVERT_COLORSPACE", ConvertColorSpace, "Convert Colorspace", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_SCENE_TIME, 0, "SCENE_TIME", SceneTime, "Scene Time", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_COMBINE_XYZ, 0, "COMBINE_XYZ", CombineXYZ, "Combine XYZ", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_SEPARATE_XYZ, 0, "SEPARATE_XYZ", SeparateXYZ, "Separate XYZ", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_SEPARATE_COLOR, def_cmp_combsep_color, "SEPARATE_COLOR", SeparateColor, "Separate Color", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_COMBINE_COLOR, def_cmp_combsep_color, "COMBINE_COLOR", CombineColor, "Combine Color", "" )
DefNode(CompositorNode, CMP_NODE_KUWAHARA, def_cmp_kuwahara, "KUWAHARA", Kuwahara, "Kuwahara", "" )
DefNode(TextureNode, TEX_NODE_OUTPUT, def_tex_output, "OUTPUT", Output, "Output", "" )
DefNode(TextureNode, TEX_NODE_CHECKER, 0, "CHECKER", Checker, "Checker", "" )
@ -262,10 +263,13 @@ DefNode(TextureNode, TEX_NODE_PROC+TEX_NOISE, 0, "TEX_NO
DefNode(TextureNode, TEX_NODE_PROC+TEX_STUCCI, 0, "TEX_STUCCI", TexStucci, "Stucci", "" )
DefNode(TextureNode, TEX_NODE_PROC+TEX_DISTNOISE, 0, "TEX_DISTNOISE", TexDistNoise, "Distorted Noise", "" )
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_ALIGN_EULER_TO_VECTOR, def_fn_align_euler_to_vector, "ALIGN_EULER_TO_VECTOR", AlignEulerToVector, "Align Euler to Vector", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_BOOLEAN_MATH, def_boolean_math, "BOOLEAN_MATH", BooleanMath, "Boolean Math", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_COMBINE_COLOR, def_fn_combsep_color, "COMBINE_COLOR", CombineColor, "Combine Color", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_COMPARE, def_compare, "COMPARE", Compare, "Compare", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_ALIGN_EULER_TO_VECTOR, 0, "ALIGN_EULER_TO_VECTOR", AlignEulerToVector, "Align Euler to Vector", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_AXIS_ANGLE_TO_ROTATION, 0, "AXIS_ANGLE_TO_ROTATION", AxisAngleToRotation, "Axis Angle to Rotation", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_BOOLEAN_MATH, 0, "BOOLEAN_MATH", BooleanMath, "Boolean Math", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_COMBINE_COLOR, 0, "COMBINE_COLOR", CombineColor, "Combine Color", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_QUATERNION_TO_ROTATION, 0, "QUATERNION_TO_ROTATION", QuaternionToRotation, "Quaternion to Rotation", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_COMPARE, 0, "COMPARE", Compare, "Compare", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_EULER_TO_ROTATION, 0, "EULER_TO_ROTATION", EulerToRotation, "Euler to Rotation", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_FLOAT_TO_INT, def_float_to_int, "FLOAT_TO_INT", FloatToInt, "Float to Integer", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_INPUT_BOOL, def_fn_input_bool, "INPUT_BOOL", InputBool, "Boolean", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_INPUT_COLOR, def_fn_input_color, "INPUT_COLOR", InputColor, "Color", "")
@ -273,54 +277,59 @@ DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_INPUT_INT, def_fn_input_int, "INPUT_INT", InputInt
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_INPUT_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS, 0, "INPUT_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS", InputSpecialCharacters, "Special Characters", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_INPUT_STRING, def_fn_input_string, "INPUT_STRING", InputString, "String", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_INPUT_VECTOR, def_fn_input_vector, "INPUT_VECTOR", InputVector, "Vector", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_INVERT_ROTATION, 0, "INVERT_ROTATION", InvertRotation, "Invert Rotation", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_RANDOM_VALUE, def_fn_random_value, "RANDOM_VALUE", RandomValue, "Random Value", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_REPLACE_STRING, 0, "REPLACE_STRING", ReplaceString, "Replace String", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_ROTATE_EULER, def_fn_rotate_euler, "ROTATE_EULER", RotateEuler, "Rotate Euler", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_SEPARATE_COLOR, def_fn_combsep_color, "SEPARATE_COLOR", SeparateColor, "Separate Color", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_ROTATE_VECTOR, 0, "ROTATE_VECTOR", RotateVector, "Rotate Vector", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_ROTATION_TO_AXIS_ANGLE, 0, "ROTATION_TO_AXIS_ANGLE", RotationToAxisAngle, "Rotation to Axis Angle", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_ROTATION_TO_EULER, 0, "ROTATION_TO_EULER", RotationToEuler, "Rotation to Euler", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_SEPARATE_COLOR, 0, "SEPARATE_COLOR", SeparateColor, "Separate Color", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_ROTATION_TO_QUATERNION, 0, "ROTATION_TO_QUATERNION", RotationToQuaternion, "Rotation to Quaternion", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_SLICE_STRING, 0, "SLICE_STRING", SliceString, "Slice String", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_STRING_LENGTH, 0, "STRING_LENGTH", StringLength, "String Length", "")
DefNode(FunctionNode, FN_NODE_VALUE_TO_STRING, 0, "VALUE_TO_STRING", ValueToString, "Value to String", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_ACCUMULATE_FIELD, def_geo_accumulate_field, "ACCUMULATE_FIELD", AccumulateField, "Accumulate Field", "Add the values of an evaluated field together and output the running total for each element")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_DOMAIN_SIZE, def_geo_attribute_domain_size, "ATTRIBUTE_DOMAIN_SIZE", AttributeDomainSize, "Domain Size", "Retrieve the number of elements in a geometry for each attribute domain")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_STATISTIC, def_geo_attribute_statistic, "ATTRIBUTE_STATISTIC",AttributeStatistic, "Attribute Statistic", "Calculate statistics about a data set from a field evaluated on a geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_BLUR_ATTRIBUTE, def_geo_blur_attribute, "BLUR_ATTRIBUTE", BlurAttribute, "Blur Attribute", "Mix attribute values of neighboring elements")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_ACCUMULATE_FIELD, 0, "ACCUMULATE_FIELD", AccumulateField, "Accumulate Field", "Add the values of an evaluated field together and output the running total for each element")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_DOMAIN_SIZE, 0, "ATTRIBUTE_DOMAIN_SIZE", AttributeDomainSize, "Domain Size", "Retrieve the number of elements in a geometry for each attribute domain")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_STATISTIC, 0, "ATTRIBUTE_STATISTIC",AttributeStatistic, "Attribute Statistic", "Calculate statistics about a data set from a field evaluated on a geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_BLUR_ATTRIBUTE, 0, "BLUR_ATTRIBUTE", BlurAttribute, "Blur Attribute", "Mix attribute values of neighboring elements")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_BOUNDING_BOX, 0, "BOUNDING_BOX", BoundBox, "Bounding Box", "Calculate the limits of a geometry's positions and generate a box mesh with those dimensions")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTE, def_geo_attribute_capture, "CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTE", CaptureAttribute, "Capture Attribute", "Store the result of a field on a geometry and output the data as a node socket. Allows remembering or interpolating data as the geometry changes, such as positions before deformation")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_COLLECTION_INFO, def_geo_collection_info, "COLLECTION_INFO", CollectionInfo, "Collection Info", "Retrieve geometry instances from a collection")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTE, 0, "CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTE", CaptureAttribute, "Capture Attribute", "Store the result of a field on a geometry and output the data as a node socket. Allows remembering or interpolating data as the geometry changes, such as positions before deformation")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_COLLECTION_INFO, 0, "COLLECTION_INFO", CollectionInfo, "Collection Info", "Retrieve geometry instances from a collection")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CONVEX_HULL, 0, "CONVEX_HULL", ConvexHull, "Convex Hull", "Create a mesh that encloses all points in the input geometry with the smallest number of points")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_ENDPOINT_SELECTION, 0, "CURVE_ENDPOINT_SELECTION", CurveEndpointSelection, "Endpoint Selection", "Provide a selection for an arbitrary number of endpoints in each spline")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION, def_geo_curve_handle_type_selection, "CURVE_HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION", CurveHandleTypeSelection, "Handle Type Selection", "Provide a selection based on the handle types of Bézier control points")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_LENGTH, 0, "CURVE_LENGTH", CurveLength, "Curve Length", "Retrieve the length of all splines added together")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_ARC, def_geo_curve_primitive_arc, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_ARC",CurveArc, "Arc", "Generate a poly spline arc")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_BEZIER_SEGMENT, def_geo_curve_primitive_bezier_segment, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_BEZIER_SEGMENT", CurvePrimitiveBezierSegment, "Bezier Segment", "Generate a 2D Bézier spline from the given control points and handles")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE,def_geo_curve_primitive_circle, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE", CurvePrimitiveCircle, "Curve Circle", "Generate a poly spline circle")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_LINE, def_geo_curve_primitive_line, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_LINE", CurvePrimitiveLine, "Curve Line", "Generate a poly spline line with two points")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_ARC, 0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_ARC",CurveArc, "Arc", "Generate a poly spline arc")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_BEZIER_SEGMENT, 0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_BEZIER_SEGMENT", CurvePrimitiveBezierSegment, "Bezier Segment", "Generate a 2D Bézier spline from the given control points and handles")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE,0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE", CurvePrimitiveCircle, "Curve Circle", "Generate a poly spline circle")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_LINE, 0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_LINE", CurvePrimitiveLine, "Curve Line", "Generate a poly spline line with two points")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_QUADRATIC_BEZIER, 0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_QUADRATIC_BEZIER", CurveQuadraticBezier, "Quadratic Bezier", "Generate a poly spline in a parabola shape with control points positions")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_QUADRILATERAL, def_geo_curve_primitive_quadrilateral, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_QUADRILATERAL", CurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral, "Quadrilateral", "Generate a polygon with four points")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_QUADRILATERAL, 0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_QUADRILATERAL", CurvePrimitiveQuadrilateral, "Quadrilateral", "Generate a polygon with four points")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_SPIRAL,0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_SPIRAL", CurveSpiral, "Curve Spiral", "Generate a poly spline in a spiral shape")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_PRIMITIVE_STAR, 0, "CURVE_PRIMITIVE_STAR", CurveStar, "Star", "Generate a poly spline in a star pattern by connecting alternating points of two circles")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_SET_HANDLE_TYPE, def_geo_curve_set_handle_type, "CURVE_SET_HANDLES", CurveSetHandles, "Set Handle Type", "Set the handle type for the control points of a Bézier curve")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_SPLINE_PARAMETER,0, "SPLINE_PARAMETER", SplineParameter, "Spline Parameter", "Retrieve how far along each spline a control point is")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_SPLINE_TYPE, def_geo_curve_spline_type, "CURVE_SPLINE_TYPE", CurveSplineType, "Set Spline Type", "Change the type of curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_SPLINE_TYPE, 0, "CURVE_SPLINE_TYPE", CurveSplineType, "Set Spline Type", "Change the type of curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_TO_MESH, 0, "CURVE_TO_MESH", CurveToMesh, "Curve to Mesh", "Convert curves into a mesh, optionally with a custom profile shape defined by curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_TO_POINTS, def_geo_curve_to_points, "CURVE_TO_POINTS", CurveToPoints, "Curve to Points", "Generate a point cloud by sampling positions along curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_TO_POINTS, 0, "CURVE_TO_POINTS", CurveToPoints, "Curve to Points", "Generate a point cloud by sampling positions along curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_TOPOLOGY_CURVE_OF_POINT, 0, "CURVE_OF_POINT", CurveOfPoint, "Curve of Point", "Retrieve the curve a control point is part of")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_CURVE_TOPOLOGY_POINTS_OF_CURVE, 0, "POINTS_OF_CURVE", PointsOfCurve, "Points of Curve", "Retrieve a point index within a curve")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DEFORM_CURVES_ON_SURFACE, 0, "DEFORM_CURVES_ON_SURFACE", DeformCurvesOnSurface, "Deform Curves on Surface", "Translate and rotate curves based on changes between the object's original and evaluated surface mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DELETE_GEOMETRY, def_geo_delete_geometry, "DELETE_GEOMETRY", DeleteGeometry, "Delete Geometry", "Remove selected elements of a geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DISTRIBUTE_POINTS_IN_VOLUME, def_geo_distribute_points_in_volume, "DISTRIBUTE_POINTS_IN_VOLUME", DistributePointsInVolume, "Distribute Points in Volume", "Generate points inside a volume")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DELETE_GEOMETRY, 0, "DELETE_GEOMETRY", DeleteGeometry, "Delete Geometry", "Remove selected elements of a geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DISTRIBUTE_POINTS_IN_VOLUME, 0, "DISTRIBUTE_POINTS_IN_VOLUME", DistributePointsInVolume, "Distribute Points in Volume", "Generate points inside a volume")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DISTRIBUTE_POINTS_ON_FACES, def_geo_distribute_points_on_faces, "DISTRIBUTE_POINTS_ON_FACES", DistributePointsOnFaces, "Distribute Points on Faces", "Generate points spread out on the surface of a mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DUAL_MESH, 0, "DUAL_MESH", DualMesh, "Dual Mesh", "Convert Faces into vertices and vertices into faces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS, def_geo_duplicate_elements, "DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS", DuplicateElements, "Duplicate Elements", "Generate an arbitrary number copies of each selected input element")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS, 0, "DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS", DuplicateElements, "Duplicate Elements", "Generate an arbitrary number copies of each selected input element")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EDGE_PATHS_TO_CURVES, 0, "EDGE_PATHS_TO_CURVES", EdgePathsToCurves, "Edge Paths to Curves", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EDGE_PATHS_TO_SELECTION, 0, "EDGE_PATHS_TO_SELECTION", EdgePathsToSelection, "Edge Paths to Selection", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EDGES_TO_FACE_GROUPS, 0, "EDGES_TO_FACE_GROUPS", EdgesToFaceGroups, "Edges to Face Groups", "Group faces into regions surrounded by the selected boundary edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EVALUATE_AT_INDEX, def_geo_evaluate_at_index, "FIELD_AT_INDEX", FieldAtIndex, "Evaluate at Index", "Retrieve data of other elements in the context's geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EVALUATE_ON_DOMAIN, def_geo_evaluate_on_domain, "FIELD_ON_DOMAIN", FieldOnDomain, "Evaluate on Domain", "Retrieve values from a field on a different domain besides the domain from the context")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH, def_geo_extrude_mesh, "EXTRUDE_MESH", ExtrudeMesh, "Extrude Mesh", "Generate new vertices, edges, or faces from selected elements and move them based on an offset while keeping them connected by their boundary")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_FILL_CURVE, def_geo_curve_fill, "FILL_CURVE", FillCurve, "Fill Curve", "Generate a mesh on the XY plane with faces on the inside of input curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_FILLET_CURVE, def_geo_curve_fillet, "FILLET_CURVE", FilletCurve, "Fillet Curve", "Round corners by generating circular arcs on each control point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EVALUATE_AT_INDEX, 0, "FIELD_AT_INDEX", FieldAtIndex, "Evaluate at Index", "Retrieve data of other elements in the context's geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EVALUATE_ON_DOMAIN, 0, "FIELD_ON_DOMAIN", FieldOnDomain, "Evaluate on Domain", "Retrieve values from a field on a different domain besides the domain from the context")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH, 0, "EXTRUDE_MESH", ExtrudeMesh, "Extrude Mesh", "Generate new vertices, edges, or faces from selected elements and move them based on an offset while keeping them connected by their boundary")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_FILL_CURVE, 0, "FILL_CURVE", FillCurve, "Fill Curve", "Generate a mesh on the XY plane with faces on the inside of input curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_FILLET_CURVE, 0, "FILLET_CURVE", FilletCurve, "Fillet Curve", "Round corners by generating circular arcs on each control point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_FLIP_FACES, 0, "FLIP_FACES", FlipFaces, "Flip Faces", "Reverse the order of the vertices and edges of selected faces, flipping their normal direction")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_GEOMETRY_TO_INSTANCE, 0, "GEOMETRY_TO_INSTANCE", GeometryToInstance, "Geometry to Instance", "Convert each input geometry into an instance, which can be much faster than the Join Geometry node when the inputs are large")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_IMAGE_INFO, 0, "IMAGE_INFO", ImageInfo, "Image Info", "Retrieve information about an image")
@ -343,12 +352,12 @@ DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_MESH_FACE_IS_PLANAR, 0, "MESH_FACE_IS_PLANA
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_MESH_FACE_NEIGHBORS, 0, "MESH_FACE_NEIGHBORS",InputMeshFaceNeighbors, "Face Neighbors", "Retrieve topology information relating to each face of a mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_MESH_ISLAND, 0, "MESH_ISLAND", InputMeshIsland, "Mesh Island", "Retrieve information about separate connected regions in a mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_MESH_VERTEX_NEIGHBORS, 0, "MESH_VERTEX_NEIGHBORS", InputMeshVertexNeighbors, "Vertex Neighbors", "Retrieve topology information relating to each vertex of a mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_NAMED_ATTRIBUTE, def_geo_input_named_attribute, "INPUT_ATTRIBUTE", InputNamedAttribute, "Named Attribute", "Retrieve the data of a specified attribute")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_NAMED_ATTRIBUTE, 0, "INPUT_ATTRIBUTE", InputNamedAttribute, "Named Attribute", "Retrieve the data of a specified attribute")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_NORMAL, 0, "INPUT_NORMAL", InputNormal, "Normal", "Retrieve a unit length vector indicating the direction pointing away from the geometry at each element")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_POSITION, 0, "POSITION", InputPosition, "Position", "Retrieve a vector indicating the location of each element")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_RADIUS, 0, "INPUT_RADIUS", InputRadius, "Radius", "Retrieve the radius at each point on curve or point cloud geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_SCENE_TIME, 0, "INPUT_SCENE_TIME", InputSceneTime, "Scene Time", "Retrieve the current time in the scene's animation in units of seconds or frames")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_SHADE_SMOOTH, 0, "INPUT_SHADE_SMOOTH", InputShadeSmooth, "Is Shade Smooth", "Retrieve whether each face is marked for smooth shading")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_FACE_SMOOTH, 0, "INPUT_SHADE_SMOOTH", InputShadeSmooth, "Is Face Smooth", "Retrieve whether each face is marked for smooth or sharp normals")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_SHORTEST_EDGE_PATHS, 0, "SHORTEST_EDGE_PATHS", InputShortestEdgePaths, "Shortest Edge Paths", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_SIGNED_DISTANCE, 0, "SIGNED_DISTANCE", InputSignedDistance, "Signed Distance", "Retrieve the signed distance field grid called 'distance' from a volume")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_SPLINE_CYCLIC, 0, "INPUT_SPLINE_CYCLIC",InputSplineCyclic, "Is Spline Cyclic", "Retrieve whether each spline endpoint connects to the beginning")
@ -361,21 +370,21 @@ DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_IS_VIEWPORT, 0, "IS_VIEWPORT", IsViewport, "Is Vi
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_JOIN_GEOMETRY, 0, "JOIN_GEOMETRY", JoinGeometry, "Join Geometry", "Merge separately generated geometries into a single one")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MATERIAL_SELECTION, 0, "MATERIAL_SELECTION", MaterialSelection, "Material Selection", "Provide a selection of faces that use the specified material")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MEAN_FILTER_SDF_VOLUME, 0, "MEAN_FILTER_SDF_VOLUME", MeanFilterSDFVolume, "Mean Filter SDF Volume", "Smooth the surface of an SDF volume by applying a mean filter")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MERGE_BY_DISTANCE, def_geo_merge_by_distance, "MERGE_BY_DISTANCE", MergeByDistance, "Merge by Distance", "Merge vertices or points within a given distance")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_BOOLEAN, def_geo_boolean, "MESH_BOOLEAN", MeshBoolean, "Mesh Boolean", "Cut, subtract, or join multiple mesh inputs")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MERGE_BY_DISTANCE, 0, "MERGE_BY_DISTANCE", MergeByDistance, "Merge by Distance", "Merge vertices or points within a given distance")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_BOOLEAN, 0, "MESH_BOOLEAN", MeshBoolean, "Mesh Boolean", "Cut, subtract, or join multiple mesh inputs")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_FACE_GROUP_BOUNDARIES, 0, "MESH_FACE_SET_BOUNDARIES", MeshFaceSetBoundaries, "Face Group Boundaries", "Find edges on the boundaries between groups of faces with the same ID value")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE, def_geo_mesh_circle, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE", MeshCircle, "Mesh Circle", "Generate a circular ring of edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_CONE, def_geo_mesh_cone, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_CONE",MeshCone, "Cone", "Generate a cone mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_CIRCLE", MeshCircle, "Mesh Circle", "Generate a circular ring of edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_CONE, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_CONE",MeshCone, "Cone", "Generate a cone mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_CUBE, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_CUBE",MeshCube, "Cube", "Generate a cuboid mesh with variable side lengths and subdivisions")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER, def_geo_mesh_cylinder, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER", MeshCylinder, "Cylinder", "Generate a cylinder mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER", MeshCylinder, "Cylinder", "Generate a cylinder mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_GRID, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_GRID",MeshGrid, "Grid", "Generate a planar mesh on the XY plane")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_ICO_SPHERE, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_ICO_SPHERE", MeshIcoSphere, "Ico Sphere", "Generate a spherical mesh that consists of equally sized triangles")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_LINE, def_geo_mesh_line, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_LINE",MeshLine, "Mesh Line", "Generate vertices in a line and connect them with edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_LINE, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_LINE",MeshLine, "Mesh Line", "Generate vertices in a line and connect them with edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_PRIMITIVE_UV_SPHERE, 0, "MESH_PRIMITIVE_UV_SPHERE", MeshUVSphere, "UV Sphere", "Generate a spherical mesh with quads, except for triangles at the top and bottom")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_CURVE, 0, "MESH_TO_CURVE", MeshToCurve, "Mesh to Curve", "Generate a curve from a mesh")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_POINTS, def_geo_mesh_to_points, "MESH_TO_POINTS", MeshToPoints, "Mesh to Points", "Generate a point cloud from a mesh's vertices")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_SDF_VOLUME, def_geo_mesh_to_sdf_volume, "MESH_TO_SDF_VOLUME", MeshToSDFVolume, "Mesh to SDF Volume", "Create an SDF volume with the shape of the input mesh's surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_VOLUME, def_geo_mesh_to_volume, "MESH_TO_VOLUME", MeshToVolume, "Mesh to Volume", "Create a fog volume with the shape of the input mesh's surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_POINTS, 0, "MESH_TO_POINTS", MeshToPoints, "Mesh to Points", "Generate a point cloud from a mesh's vertices")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_SDF_VOLUME, 0, "MESH_TO_SDF_VOLUME", MeshToSDFVolume, "Mesh to SDF Volume", "Create an SDF volume with the shape of the input mesh's surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_VOLUME, 0, "MESH_TO_VOLUME", MeshToVolume, "Mesh to Volume", "Create a fog volume with the shape of the input mesh's surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_CORNERS_OF_EDGE, 0, "CORNERS_OF_EDGE", CornersOfEdge, "Corners of Edge", "Retrieve face corners connected to edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_CORNERS_OF_FACE, 0, "CORNERS_OF_FACE", CornersOfFace, "Corners of Face", "Retrieve corners that make up a face")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_CORNERS_OF_VERTEX, 0, "CORNERS_OF_VERTEX", CornersOfVertex, "Corners of Vertex", "Retrieve face corners connected to vertices")
@ -384,35 +393,42 @@ DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_EDGES_OF_VERTEX, 0, "EDGES_OF_VERTE
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_FACE_OF_CORNER, 0, "FACE_OF_CORNER", FaceOfCorner, "Face of Corner", "Retrieve the face each face corner is part of")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_OFFSET_CORNER_IN_FACE, 0, "OFFSET_CORNER_IN_FACE", OffsetCornerInFace, "Offset Corner in Face", "Retrieve corners in the same face as another")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_VERTEX_OF_CORNER, 0, "VERTEX_OF_CORNER", VertexOfCorner, "Vertex of Corner", "Retrieve the vertex each face corner is attached to")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_OBJECT_INFO, def_geo_object_info, "OBJECT_INFO", ObjectInfo, "Object Info", "Retrieve information from an object")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_OBJECT_INFO, 0, "OBJECT_INFO", ObjectInfo, "Object Info", "Retrieve information from an object")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_OFFSET_POINT_IN_CURVE, 0, "OFFSET_POINT_IN_CURVE", OffsetPointInCurve, "Offset Point in Curve", "Offset a control point index within its curve")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_OFFSET_SDF_VOLUME, 0, "OFFSET_SDF_VOLUME", OffsetSDFVolume, "Offset SDF Volume", "Move the surface of an SDF volume inwards or outwards")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_POINTS_TO_SDF_VOLUME, def_geo_points_to_sdf_volume, "POINTS_TO_SDF_VOLUME", PointsToSDFVolume, "Points to SDF Volume", "Generate an SDF volume sphere around every point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TOOL_FACE_SET, 0, "TOOL_FACE_SET", ToolFaceSet, "Face Set", "Each face's sculpt face set value")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TOOL_3D_CURSOR, 0, "TOOL_3D_CURSOR", Tool3DCursor, "3D Cursor", "The scene's 3D cursor location and rotation")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TOOL_SELECTION, 0, "TOOL_SELECTION", ToolSelection, "Selection", "User selection of the edited geometry, for tool execution")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TOOL_SET_SELECTION, 0, "TOOL_SELECTION_SET", ToolSetSelection, "Set Selection", "Set selection of the edited geometry, for tool execution")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TOOL_SET_FACE_SET, 0, "TOOL_SET_FACE_SET", ToolSetFaceSet, "Set Face Set", "Set sculpt face set values for faces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_POINTS_TO_SDF_VOLUME, 0, "POINTS_TO_SDF_VOLUME", PointsToSDFVolume, "Points to SDF Volume", "Generate an SDF volume sphere around every point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_POINTS_TO_VERTICES, 0, "POINTS_TO_VERTICES", PointsToVertices, "Points to Vertices", "Generate a mesh vertex for each point cloud point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_POINTS_TO_VOLUME, def_geo_points_to_volume, "POINTS_TO_VOLUME", PointsToVolume, "Points to Volume", "Generate a fog volume sphere around every point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_POINTS_TO_VOLUME, 0, "POINTS_TO_VOLUME", PointsToVolume, "Points to Volume", "Generate a fog volume sphere around every point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_POINTS, 0, "POINTS", Points, "Points", "Generate a point cloud with positions and radii defined by fields")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_PROXIMITY, def_geo_proximity, "PROXIMITY", Proximity, "Geometry Proximity", "Compute the closest location on the target geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_RAYCAST, def_geo_raycast, "RAYCAST", Raycast, "Raycast", "Cast rays from the context geometry onto a target geometry, and retrieve information from each hit point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_PROXIMITY, 0, "PROXIMITY", Proximity, "Geometry Proximity", "Compute the closest location on the target geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_RAYCAST, 0, "RAYCAST", Raycast, "Raycast", "Cast rays from the context geometry onto a target geometry, and retrieve information from each hit point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_REALIZE_INSTANCES, 0, "REALIZE_INSTANCES", RealizeInstances, "Realize Instances", "Convert instances into real geometry data")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, 0, "REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE", RemoveAttribute, "Remove Named Attribute", "Delete an attribute with a specified name from a geometry. Typically used to optimize performance")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_REPEAT_INPUT, def_geo_repeat_input, "REPEAT_INPUT", RepeatInput, "Repeat Input", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_REPEAT_OUTPUT, def_geo_repeat_output, "REPEAT_OUTPUT", RepeatOutput, "Repeat Output", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_REPLACE_MATERIAL, 0, "REPLACE_MATERIAL", ReplaceMaterial, "Replace Material", "Swap one material with another")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_RESAMPLE_CURVE, def_geo_curve_resample, "RESAMPLE_CURVE", ResampleCurve, "Resample Curve", "Generate a poly spline for each input spline")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_RESAMPLE_CURVE, 0, "RESAMPLE_CURVE", ResampleCurve, "Resample Curve", "Generate a poly spline for each input spline")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_REVERSE_CURVE, 0, "REVERSE_CURVE", ReverseCurve, "Reverse Curve", "Change the direction of curves by swapping their start and end data")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_ROTATE_INSTANCES, 0, "ROTATE_INSTANCES", RotateInstances, "Rotate Instances", "Rotate geometry instances in local or global space")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_CURVE, def_geo_curve_sample, "SAMPLE_CURVE", SampleCurve, "Sample Curve", "Retrieve data from a point on a curve at a certain distance from its start")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_INDEX, def_geo_sample_index, "SAMPLE_INDEX", SampleIndex, "Sample Index", "Retrieve values from specific geometry elements")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_NEAREST_SURFACE, def_geo_sample_nearest_surface, "SAMPLE_NEAREST_SURFACE", SampleNearestSurface, "Sample Nearest Surface", "Calculate the interpolated value of a mesh attribute on the closest point of its surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_NEAREST, def_geo_sample_nearest, "SAMPLE_NEAREST", SampleNearest, "Sample Nearest", "Find the element of a geometry closest to a position. Similar to the \"Index of Nearest\" node")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_UV_SURFACE, def_geo_sample_uv_surface, "SAMPLE_UV_SURFACE", SampleUVSurface, "Sample UV Surface", "Calculate the interpolated values of a mesh attribute at a UV coordinate")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_VOLUME, def_geo_sample_volume, "SAMPLE_VOLUME", SampleVolume, "Sample Volume", "Calculate the interpolated values of a Volume grid at the specified position")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SCALE_ELEMENTS, def_geo_scale_elements, "SCALE_ELEMENTS", ScaleElements, "Scale Elements", "Scale groups of connected edges and faces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_NEAREST_SURFACE, 0, "SAMPLE_NEAREST_SURFACE", SampleNearestSurface, "Sample Nearest Surface", "Calculate the interpolated value of a mesh attribute on the closest point of its surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_NEAREST, 0, "SAMPLE_NEAREST", SampleNearest, "Sample Nearest", "Find the element of a geometry closest to a position. Similar to the \"Index of Nearest\" node")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_UV_SURFACE, 0, "SAMPLE_UV_SURFACE", SampleUVSurface, "Sample UV Surface", "Calculate the interpolated values of a mesh attribute at a UV coordinate")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SAMPLE_VOLUME, 0, "SAMPLE_VOLUME", SampleVolume, "Sample Volume", "Calculate the interpolated values of a Volume grid at the specified position")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SCALE_ELEMENTS, 0, "SCALE_ELEMENTS", ScaleElements, "Scale Elements", "Scale groups of connected edges and faces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SCALE_INSTANCES, 0, "SCALE_INSTANCES", ScaleInstances, "Scale Instances", "Scale geometry instances in local or global space")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SDF_VOLUME_SPHERE, 0, "SDF_VOLUME_SPHERE", SDFVolumeSphere, "SDF Volume Sphere", "Generate an SDF Volume Sphere")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SELF_OBJECT, 0, "SELF_OBJECT", SelfObject, "Self Object", "Retrieve the object that contains the geometry nodes modifier currently being executed")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS, 0, "SEPARATE_COMPONENTS",SeparateComponents, "Separate Components", "Split a geometry into a separate output for each type of data in the geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SEPARATE_GEOMETRY, def_geo_separate_geometry, "SEPARATE_GEOMETRY", SeparateGeometry, "Separate Geometry", "Split a geometry into two geometry outputs based on a selection")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_CURVE_HANDLES, def_geo_curve_set_handle_positions, "SET_CURVE_HANDLES", SetCurveHandlePositions, "Set Handle Positions", "Set the positions for the handles of Bézier curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_CURVE_NORMAL, def_geo_set_curve_normal, "SET_CURVE_NORMAL", SetCurveNormal, "Set Curve Normal", "Set the evaluation mode for curve normals")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SEPARATE_GEOMETRY, 0, "SEPARATE_GEOMETRY", SeparateGeometry, "Separate Geometry", "Split a geometry into two geometry outputs based on a selection")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_CURVE_HANDLES, 0, "SET_CURVE_HANDLES", SetCurveHandlePositions, "Set Handle Positions", "Set the positions for the handles of Bézier curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_CURVE_NORMAL, 0, "SET_CURVE_NORMAL", SetCurveNormal, "Set Curve Normal", "Set the evaluation mode for curve normals")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_CURVE_RADIUS, 0, "SET_CURVE_RADIUS", SetCurveRadius, "Set Curve Radius", "Set the radius of the curve at each control point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_CURVE_TILT, 0, "SET_CURVE_TILT", SetCurveTilt, "Set Curve Tilt", "Set the tilt angle at each curve control point")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_ID, 0, "SET_ID", SetID, "Set ID", "Set the id attribute on the input geometry, mainly used internally for randomizing")
@ -426,24 +442,26 @@ DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SET_SPLINE_RESOLUTION, 0, "SET_SPLINE_RESOLUTION"
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SIMULATION_INPUT, def_geo_simulation_input, "SIMULATION_INPUT", SimulationInput, "Simulation Input", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SIMULATION_OUTPUT, def_geo_simulation_output, "SIMULATION_OUTPUT", SimulationOutput, "Simulation Output", "")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SPLIT_EDGES, 0, "SPLIT_EDGES", SplitEdges, "Split Edges", "Duplicate mesh edges and break connections with the surrounding faces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_STORE_NAMED_ATTRIBUTE, def_geo_store_named_attribute, "STORE_NAMED_ATTRIBUTE", StoreNamedAttribute, "Store Named Attribute", "Store the result of a field on a geometry as an attribute with the specified name")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_STORE_NAMED_ATTRIBUTE, 0, "STORE_NAMED_ATTRIBUTE", StoreNamedAttribute, "Store Named Attribute", "Store the result of a field on a geometry as an attribute with the specified name")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_STRING_JOIN, 0, "STRING_JOIN", StringJoin, "Join Strings", "Combine any number of input strings")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_STRING_TO_CURVES, def_geo_string_to_curves, "STRING_TO_CURVES", StringToCurves, "String to Curves", "Generate a paragraph of text with a specific font, using a curve instance to store each character")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SUBDIVIDE_CURVE, 0, "SUBDIVIDE_CURVE", SubdivideCurve, "Subdivide Curve", "Dividing each curve segment into a specified number of pieces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SUBDIVIDE_MESH, 0, "SUBDIVIDE_MESH", SubdivideMesh, "Subdivide Mesh", "Divide mesh faces into smaller ones without changing the shape or volume, using linear interpolation to place the new vertices")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SUBDIVISION_SURFACE, def_geo_subdivision_surface, "SUBDIVISION_SURFACE",SubdivisionSurface, "Subdivision Surface", "Divide mesh faces to form a smooth surface, using the Catmull-Clark subdivision method")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SWITCH, def_geo_switch, "SWITCH", Switch, "Switch", "Switch between two inputs")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SUBDIVISION_SURFACE, 0, "SUBDIVISION_SURFACE",SubdivisionSurface, "Subdivision Surface", "Divide mesh faces to form a smooth surface, using the Catmull-Clark subdivision method")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_SWITCH, 0, "SWITCH", Switch, "Switch", "Switch between two inputs")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TRANSFORM_GEOMETRY, 0, "TRANSFORM_GEOMETRY", Transform, "Transform Geometry", "Translate, rotate or scale the geometry")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TRANSLATE_INSTANCES, 0, "TRANSLATE_INSTANCES",TranslateInstances, "Translate Instances", "Move top-level geometry instances in local or global space")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TRIANGULATE, def_geo_triangulate, "TRIANGULATE", Triangulate, "Triangulate", "Convert all faces in a mesh to triangular faces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TRIM_CURVE, def_geo_curve_trim, "TRIM_CURVE", TrimCurve, "Trim Curve", "Shorten curves by removing portions at the start or end")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TRIANGULATE, 0, "TRIANGULATE", Triangulate, "Triangulate", "Convert all faces in a mesh to triangular faces")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_TRIM_CURVE, 0, "TRIM_CURVE", TrimCurve, "Trim Curve", "Shorten curves by removing portions at the start or end")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_UV_PACK_ISLANDS, 0, "UV_PACK_ISLANDS", UVPackIslands, "Pack UV Islands", "Scale islands of a UV map and move them so they fill the UV space as much as possible")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_UV_UNWRAP, def_geo_uv_unwrap, "UV_UNWRAP", UVUnwrap, "UV Unwrap", "Generate a UV map based on seam edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_VIEWER, def_geo_viewer, "VIEWER", Viewer, "Viewer", "Display the input data in the Spreadsheet Editor")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_UV_UNWRAP, 0, "UV_UNWRAP", UVUnwrap, "UV Unwrap", "Generate a UV map based on seam edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_VIEWER, 0, "VIEWER", Viewer, "Viewer", "Display the input data in the Spreadsheet Editor")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_VOLUME_CUBE, 0, "VOLUME_CUBE", VolumeCube, "Volume Cube", "Generate a dense volume with a field that controls the density at each grid voxel based on its position")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_VOLUME_TO_MESH, def_geo_volume_to_mesh, "VOLUME_TO_MESH", VolumeToMesh, "Volume to Mesh", "Generate a mesh on the \"surface\" of a volume")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_VOLUME_TO_MESH, 0, "VOLUME_TO_MESH", VolumeToMesh, "Volume to Mesh", "Generate a mesh on the \"surface\" of a volume")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INTERPOLATE_CURVES, 0, "INTERPOLATE_CURVES", InterpolateCurves, "Interpolate Curves", "Generate new curves on points by interpolating between existing curves")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_POINTS_TO_CURVES, 0, "POINTS_TO_CURVES", PointsToCurves, "Points to Curves", "Split all points to curve by its group ID and reorder by weight")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_INPUT_EDGE_SMOOTH, 0, "INPUT_EDGE_SMOOTH", InputEdgeSmooth, "Is Edge Smooth", "Retrieve whether each edge is marked for smooth or split normals")
/* undefine macros */
#undef DefNode

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace blender::nodes::node_composite_rgb_cc {
static void cmp_node_rgb_declare(NodeDeclarationBuilder &b)
b.add_output<decl::Color>("RGBA").default_value({0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f});
b.add_output<decl::Color>("Color").default_value({0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f});
using namespace blender::realtime_compositor;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class RGBOperation : public NodeOperation {
void execute() override
Result &result = get_result("RGBA");
Result &result = get_result("Color");
const bNodeSocket *socket = static_cast<const bNodeSocket *>(bnode().outputs.first);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void register_node_type_cmp_rgb()
static bNodeType ntype;
cmp_node_type_base(&ntype, CMP_NODE_RGB, "RGB", NODE_CLASS_INPUT);
cmp_node_type_base(&ntype, CMP_NODE_RGB, "Color", NODE_CLASS_INPUT);
ntype.declare = file_ns::cmp_node_rgb_declare;
blender::bke::node_type_size_preset(&ntype, blender::bke::eNodeSizePreset::DEFAULT);
ntype.get_compositor_operation = file_ns::get_compositor_operation;

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void register_node_type_sh_rgb()
static bNodeType ntype;
sh_node_type_base(&ntype, SH_NODE_RGB, "RGB", NODE_CLASS_INPUT);
sh_node_type_base(&ntype, SH_NODE_RGB, "Color", NODE_CLASS_INPUT);
ntype.declare = file_ns::node_declare;
ntype.gpu_fn = file_ns::gpu_shader_rgb;