Cycles: Added UI to force OIDN to use the CPU #117734

Stefan Werner wants to merge 2 commits from Stefan_Werner/blender:oidn_gpu_ui into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
4 changed files with 22 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1484,6 +1484,13 @@ class CyclesPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
use_oidngpu: BoolProperty(
name="OpenImageDenoise on GPU",
description="Perform denoising on GPU devices. This is significantly faster than on CPU, but requires additional GPU memory. "

This needs a better name and description, like:

Denoise on GPU
Perform denoising on GPU devices. This is significantly faster than on CPU, but requires additional GPU memory. When large scenes need more GPU memory, this option can be disabled.

Maybe for CUDA/OptiX the name could be dynamically to OpenImageDenoise on GPU since there the meaning is ambiguous.

This needs a better name and description, like: > Denoise on GPU > Perform denoising on GPU devices. This is significantly faster than on CPU, but requires additional GPU memory. When large scenes need more GPU memory, this option can be disabled. Maybe for CUDA/OptiX the name could be dynamically to `OpenImageDenoise on GPU` since there the meaning is ambiguous.

What about something like this?

name="Allow OIDN on GPU"
description="Allow OpenImageDenoise be executed on GPU, if available and can be used, or only on CPU otherwise"
What about something like this? ``` name="Allow OIDN on GPU" description="Allow OpenImageDenoise be executed on GPU, if available and can be used, or only on CPU otherwise" ```

In general we should not use abbreviations like "OIDN" for users. And I prefer to avoid the word "Allow", but mentioning if available in the description is fine.

For the description I think it's also good to have an explanation about why a user might disable it, as I did in mine.

In general we should not use abbreviations like "OIDN" for users. And I prefer to avoid the word "Allow", but mentioning if available in the description is fine. For the description I think it's also good to have an explanation about why a user might disable it, as I did in mine.
"When large scenes need more GPU memory, this option can be disabled",
kernel_optimization_level: EnumProperty(
name="Kernel Optimization",
description="Kernels can be optimized based on scene content. Optimized kernels are requested at the start of a render. "
@ -1686,11 +1693,14 @@ class CyclesPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
import _cycles
has_peer_memory = 0
has_rt_api_support = False
has_oidn_gpu_support = False
for device in _cycles.available_devices(compute_device_type):
if device[3] and self.find_existing_device_entry(device).use:
has_peer_memory += 1
if device[4] and self.find_existing_device_entry(device).use:
has_rt_api_support = True
if device[5] and self.find_existing_device_entry(device).use:
has_oidn_gpu_support = True
if has_peer_memory > 1:
row = layout.row()
@ -1729,6 +1739,10 @@ class CyclesPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "use_oneapirt")
if has_oidn_gpu_support:
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "use_oidngpu")
def draw(self, context):
self.draw_impl(self.layout, context)

View File

@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ void static adjust_device_info_from_preferences(DeviceInfo &info, PointerRNA cpr
if (info.type == DEVICE_HIP && !get_boolean(cpreferences, "use_hiprt")) {
info.use_hardware_raytracing = false;
if (!get_boolean(cpreferences, "use_oidngpu")) {
DeviceInfo blender_device_info(BL::Preferences &b_preferences,

View File

@ -417,12 +417,14 @@ static PyObject *available_devices_func(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject *args)
for (size_t i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) {
DeviceInfo &device = devices[i];
string type_name = Device::string_from_type(device.type);
PyObject *device_tuple = PyTuple_New(5);
PyObject *device_tuple = PyTuple_New(6);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(device_tuple, 0, pyunicode_from_string(device.description.c_str()));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(device_tuple, 1, pyunicode_from_string(type_name.c_str()));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(device_tuple, 2, pyunicode_from_string(;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(device_tuple, 3, PyBool_FromLong(device.has_peer_memory));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(device_tuple, 4, PyBool_FromLong(device.use_hardware_raytracing));
device_tuple, 5, PyBool_FromLong(device.denoisers & DENOISER_OPENIMAGEDENOISE));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, i, device_tuple);

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ unique_ptr<Denoiser> Denoiser::create(Device *path_trace_device, const DenoisePa
if (params.type == DENOISER_OPENIMAGEDENOISE && path_trace_device->info.type != DEVICE_CPU &&
(path_trace_device->info.denoisers & DENOISER_OPENIMAGEDENOISE) &&
return make_unique<OIDNDenoiserGPU>(path_trace_device, params);