34 Module: Sculpt, Paint & Texture
Dalai Felinto edited this page 2024-08-14 11:58:48 +02:00

Workboard | Bugs | High Severity Bugs | Known Issues | Pull Requests | Module Interest

Wiki: Contains info on how to contribute (Developer, Artist or otherwise), code documentation and ideas for future projects.


This project includes sculpting, vertex and image painting.


The module is active but in a transitional period without an official module owner.

There are weekly meetings on Tuesday 4pm CEST
Active tasks are visible on the workboard.

If you want to get involved, contact us (info below) and check out the Get Involved page.


Coordinator: @JulienKaspar
Developers: @farsthary @Sergey, @HooglyBoogly, @ideasman42, @Jeroen-Bakker, @mont29
Artists: @DanielBystedt, @JulienKaspar


Additional Content

Workboard Columns

The workboard is split up into the following columns:

Column Description
Community Tasks Tasks marked as "Good First Issue" that are free to work on by any contributor.
To Do Confirmed tasks that are worked in the short term.
In Review Pull requests that need code review.
Design Design tasks for the currently active projects. These are subject to discussion and changes.
Inactive Inactive projects and long term to do's. These are slowly transitioned to the Wiki.