17 Home
Clément Foucault edited this page 2024-08-25 10:37:47 +02:00


Blender development is organized into modules and projects with different teams.


Module Topics
Core DNA & RNA, .blend file, undo, datablocks, linking, overrides, support libraries
Development Management Communication, release, documentation, forum, onboarding, infrastructure
Platforms, Builds, Tests & Devices Windows, macOS, Linux, automated tests, build system, release builds, libraries
Triaging Triaging bug reports and first round of pull request review
User Interface Interface, window manager, internationalization, tools & operators, outliner


Module Topics
Add-ons Official and community add-ons
Animation & Rigging Graph editor, dopespheet editor, NLA editor, keyframes, drivers, constraints, armatures
Grease Pencil Grease pencil drawing, editing, sculpting and all related to 2D animation module in Blender
Modeling Meshes, modifiers, nurbs, curves, metaballs, transform, UV editor, subdivision surfaces
Nodes & Physics Geometry nodes, function nodes, node editor, simulations, rigid body, cloth, softbody, fluids
Pipeline, Assets & I/O Import/export, integration into production pipelines, and asset browser
Python API Python API, text editor and console
EEVEE & Viewport EEVEE, workbench, overlays, GPU, OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal, multi-view, virtual reality
Render & Cycles Cycles, render pipeline, materials, textures, Freestyle, baking and color management
Sculpt, Paint & Texture Sculpting, vertex and image painting
VFX & Video Video sequencer, compositor, motion tracking, Libmv, audio