Dalai Felinto dfelinto
  • Joined on 2006-06-02
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender-developer-docs 2024-07-02 15:56:20 +02:00
4c717cec7c 4.2: Extensions: mention system repository
Dalai Felinto closed issue infrastructure/extensions-website#136 2024-07-02 15:53:04 +02:00
Suggestion to include essential add-ons in Blender 4.2 installation package
Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#136 2024-07-02 15:52:59 +02:00
Suggestion to include essential add-ons in Blender 4.2 installation package

Hi, no further changes are planned on that regard. I'm closing this now to leave the tracker only for issues.

You can share further feedback on [devtalk](https://devtalk.blender.org/t/extensions

Dalai Felinto commented on issue blender/blender#123994 2024-07-02 15:50:24 +02:00
Local Repository Initialisation uses wrong path on drag and drop

Indeed it is working now on Linux too. Before ./index.json wouldn't resolve.

Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#175 2024-07-02 15:46:56 +02:00
Macintosh extension .xml doesn't work

@mac4kent the other method is the one mentioned on the extensions website:

Build your extension using the [command-line tool](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/extensions/command_l

Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#195 2024-07-02 11:20:52 +02:00
Enhancement: support application templates, in addition to themes and extensions

Hi, there are no plans to supported application templates on the extensions platform.

transform it to an extension, and enjoy all the new 4.2 features;

In fact you can keep it as an add-on…

Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#175 2024-07-02 11:06:42 +02:00
Macintosh extension .xml doesn't work

Feel free to write back if there is any clarification still needed. But please don't re-open this.

Dalai Felinto closed issue infrastructure/extensions-website#175 2024-07-02 11:06:42 +02:00
Macintosh extension .xml doesn't work
Dalai Felinto commented on issue blender/blender#123994 2024-07-01 16:58:21 +02:00
Local Repository Initialisation uses wrong path on drag and drop

I will paste again what I said on devtalk, to keep the conversation here:

For the records, I think the only “problem” here is that the generated html has repository=“./index.json”…

Dalai Felinto commented on pull request blender/blender#123128 2024-07-01 16:54:33 +02:00
Fix #122961: Get out of 3D local views when they get empty.

I found it strange to hook any action with the draw loop. This could even lead to some corner-case bugs for scripts running on render-farm (which for whatever reason would use local view for…

Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender-manual 2024-07-01 16:15:07 +02:00
be791c1096 Extensions: use URL_encoded / and , in the examples
Dalai Felinto pushed to brush-assets-project at blender/blender 2024-07-01 15:43:30 +02:00
3dd2f150da Fix typo on warning when saving file
Dalai Felinto closed issue infrastructure/extensions-website#175 2024-07-01 15:35:03 +02:00
Macintosh extension .xml doesn't work
Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#175 2024-07-01 15:35:02 +02:00
Macintosh extension .xml doesn't work

I consider this fixed now that we have the new error message.

Dalai Felinto pushed to production at infrastructure/extensions-website 2024-07-01 15:24:17 +02:00
8e33d18b43 Improve validation messages (#196)
5e90e04a58 Validation Messages: Add <strong> for missing_wheel and forbidden_filepaths
8e33d18b43 Improve validation messages (#196)
Compare 2 commits »
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at infrastructure/extensions-website 2024-07-01 15:22:57 +02:00
8e33d18b43 Improve validation messages (#196)
Dalai Felinto deleted branch pr-error-messages from infrastructure/extensions-website 2024-07-01 15:22:57 +02:00
Dalai Felinto merged pull request infrastructure/extensions-website#196 2024-07-01 15:22:56 +02:00
Improve validation messages