Clément Foucault fclem
  • I'm pixel pusher.

  • Joined on 2014-07-09
Clément Foucault pushed to main at blender/blender 2023-02-13 11:22:52 +01:00
dd171f7743 Cleanup: GPUShader: Rename GPU_shader_uniform_vector
b68bac7ced Cleanup: GPUShader: Remove GPU_shader_uniform_int/float
173a8f4ac9 GPU: Removes GPU_shader_get_builtin_ssbo
164f591033 Cleanup: GPU: Rename some functions for consistency
83a6642045 Cleanup: GPU: Move eGPUKeyframeShapes to shader shared
Compare 9 commits »
Clément Foucault commented on pull request blender/blender#104536 2023-02-13 09:13:44 +01:00
Eevee: GPU Material node graph optimization.


Clément Foucault commented on issue blender/blender#104640 2023-02-13 01:47:23 +01:00
MatCap Improvement

That's not what this task is about. That would be a workflow change and this task is only about cleaning up / improving existing matcap rendering.

Note that the different matcaps approach is…

Clément Foucault opened issue blender/blender#104644 2023-02-12 01:58:45 +01:00
BLF: Support GPU driven character stream
Clément Foucault pushed to main at blender/blender 2023-02-12 01:42:21 +01:00
c7456272b1 Cleanup: EEVEE-Next: Add LIGHT_FOREACH macros to clang-format exceptions
Clément Foucault opened issue blender/blender#104643 2023-02-12 01:30:42 +01:00
Move some parameters to Blender's DNA
Clément Foucault pushed to main at blender/blender 2023-02-12 01:22:01 +01:00
77aa9e8809 Cleanup: GPU: Remove commented lines without any comments or purpose
Clément Foucault opened issue blender/blender#104642 2023-02-12 00:58:31 +01:00
Workbench-Next Volumes Improvement
Clément Foucault opened issue blender/blender#104641 2023-02-12 00:58:00 +01:00
Workbench Shadow Improvement
Clément Foucault opened issue blender/blender#104640 2023-02-12 00:52:53 +01:00
MatCap Improvement
Clément Foucault closed issue blender/blender#104282 2023-02-10 20:40:11 +01:00
Regression: Light direction gizmo not working
Clément Foucault pushed to main at blender/blender 2023-02-10 20:40:11 +01:00
0e6da74e98 Fix #104282: Resolve Depth read for D24_S8 types in Metal.
Clément Foucault merged pull request blender/blender#104537 2023-02-10 20:40:09 +01:00
Fix #104282: Resolve Depth read for D24_S8 types in Metal.
Clément Foucault pushed to Fix_104282 at Jason-Fielder/blender 2023-02-10 20:31:16 +01:00
f3c9917a83 Merge branch 'main' into Fix_104282
8a32d56056 Tests: Fix device list of benchmark script only showing a single GPU
7351f533e0 Curves: Add lasso and circle select
5c4e1ed578 UI: Make text nomenclature and ordering consistent
6f8c441950 Curves: Add select linked
Compare 30 commits »
Clément Foucault pushed to overlay-next at blender/blender 2023-02-10 20:27:08 +01:00
cdb9b6a041 Overlay-Next: Add support for empties
aff61bf5b4 Merge branch 'main' into overlay-next
7e0e07657c GPU: Cleanup GPU_batch.h documentation and some of the API for consistency
5c8edbd99b Cleanup: Move 6 sculpt-session-related files and header to C++
2cfc4d7644 Fix #104383: don't update declaration for clipboard copy
Compare 27 commits »
Clément Foucault commented on issue blender/blender#104444 2023-02-10 18:37:20 +01:00
Rotation C++ API

Every function not part of a class should go into the blender::math namespace. These would be defined inside BLI_rotation.hh whereas the types will be BLI_rotation_types.hh just like the…

Clément Foucault commented on issue blender/blender#104444 2023-02-10 13:34:19 +01:00
Rotation C++ API


I think this should be "A 'single 2D rotation' type is needed"


What do you mean with "2D rotation matrices" here, exactly?

The (realtime) compositor uses…