Validation Messages: Add <strong> for missing_wheel and forbidden_filepaths #200

Dalai Felinto wants to merge 1 commits from pr-error-messages-safe into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
2 changed files with 29 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -118,12 +118,14 @@ EXPECTED_VALIDATION_ERRORS = {
'source': ['The manifest file is missing.'],
'': {'source': ['Manifest file contains invalid code.']},
'': {'source': ['Themes can only contain <strong>one XML file</strong>.']},
'': {'source': ['Archive contains forbidden files or directories: __MACOSX/']},
'': {
'source': ['Themes can only contain <strong>one XML file</strong>.']
'': {
'source': ['Archive contains forbidden files or directories: <strong>__MACOSX/</strong>']
'': {
'source': [
'Python wheel missing: addon/wheels/test-wheel-whatever.whl'
'source': ['Python wheel missing: <strong>addon/wheels/test-wheel-whatever.whl</strong>']
@ -224,6 +226,16 @@ class SubmitFileTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertDictEqual(response.context['form'].errors, expected_errors)
def test_validation_errors_with_html(self):
self.assertEqual(Extension.objects.count(), 0)
user = UserFactory()
with open(TEST_FILES_DIR / '', 'rb') as fp:
response =, {'source': fp, 'agreed_with_terms': True})
self.assertNotContains(response, "&lt;", html=False)
def test_addon_without_top_level_directory(self):
self.assertEqual(Extension.objects.count(), 0)
user = UserFactory()

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import zipfile
import tempfile
from django import forms
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
@ -36,11 +37,15 @@ class FileForm(forms.ModelForm):
# TODO: surface TOML parsing errors?
'invalid_manifest_toml': _('Manifest file contains invalid code.'),
'invalid_missing_init': mark_safe(_('Add-on file missing: <strong></strong>.')),
'missing_or_multiple_theme_xml': mark_safe(_('Themes can only contain <strong>one XML file</strong>.')),
'missing_or_multiple_theme_xml': mark_safe(
_('Themes can only contain <strong>one XML file</strong>.')
'invalid_zip_archive': msg_only_zip_files,
'missing_manifest_toml': _('The manifest file is missing.'),
'missing_wheel': _('Python wheel missing: %(path)s'), # TODO <strong>%(path)s</strong>
'forbidden_filepaths': _('Archive contains forbidden files or directories: %(paths)s'), #TODO <strong>%(paths)s</strong>
'missing_wheel': _('Python wheel missing: <strong>%(path)s</strong>'),
'forbidden_filepaths': mark_safe(

this line and the line above look inconsistent: both of them have parameters, but only one is wrapped into mark_safe inside the error_messages declaration
this is confusing and doesn't establish a consistent pattern for further use: if it's possible it's better to make them the same

it seems that the code below (in clean) already takes care of mark_safe for cases when params are passed, so I would expect that mark_safe in this line is not needed. if this is not true, then the code structure is surprising - we should think how to make it more transparent.

this line and the line above look inconsistent: both of them have parameters, but only one is wrapped into `mark_safe` inside the `error_messages` declaration this is confusing and doesn't establish a consistent pattern for further use: if it's possible it's better to make them the same it seems that the code below (in `clean`) already takes care of `mark_safe` for cases when params are passed, so I would expect that `mark_safe` in this line is not needed. if this is not true, then the code structure is surprising - we should think how to make it more transparent.
_('Archive contains forbidden files or directories: <strong>%(paths)s</strong>')
class Meta:
@ -145,12 +150,10 @@ class FileForm(forms.ModelForm):
manifest, error_codes = utils.read_manifest_from_zip(file_path)
for code in error_codes:
if isinstance(code, dict):
error_message = str(self.error_messages[code['code']])

why is str cast needed here?

why is `str` cast needed here?
sanitized_params = {k: escape(v) for k, v in code['params'].items()}
error_message = mark_safe(error_message % sanitized_params)
if errors: