This hit BLI_assert(this->size() > 0)
blender.exe!blender::Vector<bNodeLink *,4,blender::GuardedAllocator>::first() Řádek 692 C++
Sorry, this may have been misunderstanding on my part. I have checked the code and did not see any intention for this feature to ever work. Just in case I have also checked 2.83 version where…
Do you experience crash on windows with 3.5 version? We are not going to investigate bug in 3.4 version as it does not receive fixes anymore.
@Mets Sure, feel free to simplify provided files
I have edited the comment a bit, but still could be, that these lines are drawn in passes, so there are issues with blending them.
I guess this is result of having 2 edge drawing engines (at least from how I understand this is done now).
So while I can confirm, this may be a limitation of current system, but will confirm.
I am not aware of exact issue like this one, and I think it should work so will confirm.
Thanks for the report, but please use other channels for user feedback and feature requests:
For more information…
Thanks for checking, since the issue is resolved, will close.
The fact this is not a regression doesn't mean this is not a bug. toggling edit mode of curve resulted in sphere changing radius, so this looks like missing update somewhere.