Hi thanks, I will try your suggestions. I am already using the latest available of the v.0 As you can see from the image with the shaded object, the armature is not drawn on top of the human…
Not sure, I was able to repeat it with the default scene. I do not get the crash with 3.6.2
@PratikPB2123 I did not change anything on my system, this ism limited to the line art modifiers in the scene.
@ChengduLittleA I am getting a direct crash while opening a scene that has…
This bug really needs attention, it really cripples the workflow.
234f866db237 saved files crashing 9a37a206cf5c. At least in one of my current project files has this issue. I cant share the file, wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I can open it with …
The camera viewport also missing the passport borders
I was just saying that the edge slide is a completely different operation, and this issue needs to be solved with edge dissolve, not that edge slide cant do what needs to be done.
@1D_Inc Sure but that is a completely different operation that happens to give a similar result. It does not address the issue with dissolve.
@mod_moder Disabling the "dissolve vertices" is a completely different operation and has nothing to do with the original operation. Keeping all the vertices of the edges after dissolve is not what…
Thanks for reopening this. The solution you provided is super messy because one has to triangulate, dissolve edges then remove the temporary edge, which is really way too much work in a real world…
This is not how it works in other DCCs. It would be nice if this produces the desired effect given, it is deleting a vertex that has nothing to do with the intended edge.
Actually I was able to create a version that crashes 3.6 Please give it a try.