Loup-garou loup-garou
  • Joined on 2021-07-01
Loup-garou opened issue blender/blender-addons#105308 2024-05-05 19:57:07 +02:00
Hands and feet IK controllers missing
Loup-garou opened issue blender/blender#121445 2024-05-05 19:33:41 +02:00
Rigify hands and feet IK controllers missing
Loup-garou opened issue blender/blender#107789 2023-05-09 17:02:13 +02:00
Crash when dragging an asset and using Ctrl + space
Loup-garou commented on issue blender/blender#100893 2023-03-11 15:57:49 +01:00
Freeze when opening file browser on Windows

Hello, I recently downloaded Blender 3.5 beta and I can't reproduce this bug anymore. Also, I got to try it on another computer, and it also didn't happen. I'm guessing it came from my computer…