Phil Stopford phil.stopford
  • Joined on 2018-04-12
Phil Stopford opened issue blender/blender-manual#104719 2024-02-27 05:00:54 +01:00
The Motor constraint page has no helpful information about the units for the velocity parameter
Phil Stopford commented on issue blender/blender#117579 2024-02-17 20:42:39 +01:00
'Copy Rotation' constraint computes the axis rotation value that should not be modified (like the Z axis when you only specify the X and Y)

@PratikPB2123 : I'm curious about the modeling module being set here and wanted to check in case this was a mistake.

Phil Stopford opened issue blender/blender#117579 2024-01-27 22:35:17 +01:00
'Copy Rotation' modifier acts oddly if the Z rotation is not copied in this test case