is the type that determines the initial and final layout of Renderpass.
This type is required for each attachment because the render pass describes multiple attachments.
If the…
The rewriting of the GPU_* functions was done in this way since framebuffer_config_array
and subpass_transition
functions are of equivalent kind. [25020afb88](…
An extension is required to use Depth-Stencil types separately. i understood that the method of reading Depth is different from OpenGL. It should be used especially when implementing queries.…
This is because Depth must be configured at the end of the set to finalize it.
This issue will be resolved once the issue with virtual functions is resolved.
Hello, good job. An important issue in submission is distributing the queue. Drawing eevee and drawing multiple windows must be executed in multiple threads, so as is, it will always crash.…
I recently summarized the policy regarding renderpass transitions. issue
In my implementation, Image-view is not necessary. If you set VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED to attachment 0 in the subpass descriptions, you can actually set the reference of attachment 1 to 0, so there is…
we can leave unused attachments by using VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED
Regarding tracking Image-Layout Ideally, swap-buffer should be systematic with GHOST*. I think the problem now is the instability of that Image-Layout. However, I think that the actual blender…
First of all, the swap-chain acquirer function is not constrained by any image-layout, nor does it perform transitions. The layout simply needs to be VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR when…