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oneAPI device fails at load or kernels compilation on Archlinux
IGC version isn't correctly reported in this build of IGC but if you're using latest arch packages:…
Cycles: oneAPI: use local memory for faster shader sorting
Cycles: avoid doing zero-sized allocations with partitioned shader sorting
Cycles: oneAPI: use local memory for faster shader sorting
Cycles OpenCL fail to compile and caused BSOD using Intel Xe Graphics and Intel Xe MAX
Can you try your iGPU and Xe Max devices separately? It could be a Xe Max specific issue. While oneAPI backend doesn't officially supports GPUs before Arc in Blender 3.x, you can still run it…
Cycles: oneAPI: use local memory for faster shader sorting
cuda compilation failed as it didn't like the ifdef in kernel arguments, I've pushed e2e7723aa9
that fixes it.
Xavier Hallade
pushed to oneapi_local_memory_sorting at Sirgienko/blender
2023-05-17 07:47:25 +02:00
Cycles: oneAPI: use local memory for faster shader sorting
Xavier Hallade
created branch oneapi_local_memory_sorting in xavierh/blender
2023-05-17 07:40:33 +02:00
Cycles: oneAPI: use local memory for faster shader sorting
Cycles: avoid doing zero-sized allocations with partitioned shader sorting
Cycles: oneAPI: set correct work group sizes for kernels that have a predefined one
Cycles: oneAPI: Fix prevented execution with sycl runtime > 20230323
Cycles: fix multi-device rendering with oneAPI and Hardware Raytracing
Xavier Hallade
created branch embreegpu_multidevicefix in xavierh/blender
2023-05-16 23:29:34 +02:00
Cycles: fix device settings update for Multi-device
Cycles: fix device settings update for Multi-device
VSE: Smooth transition for retiming tool
Fix #106621: Crash Adding GN Menus to Quick Favorites
Fix: Add 'typename' to fix build error
USD Export: New Curves/Hair Support
oneAPI device fails at load or kernels compilation on Archlinux
Thanks for the report! I couldn't reproduce exactly your issue with e674e32aa122 but it didn't run well on my setup either. I had success with latest alpha build (May 15th - 1ad4f67d7802) that…