I also think it is reasonable to have vertex selected in 3d space even if only partial corner selected in UV space (agree with Kohl) since such a behaviour allow to find its location with…
Similar gradient highlighting has been implemented in draw xray addon.
4:00 https://youtu.be/tLi3UMlDVfc?si=HYcoYY_OtQbFSvj7
Not sure about separate corners though - but at the time we…
@Harley A thicker/bold chevron might work better for hierarchical lists, making it less letter-like.
Thing like undo canvas rotation also could be mentioned there https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/023V/#
Also not sure that all the collapsibles are semantically equal.
This is also 2.8+ known issue when checker deselect stopped to keep the active element in the selection. Offset sometimes can fix the result when it's value is set to highlight the active back.
But it is necessary to take into account that current state is more a unresolved limitation rather than proper solution to the problem of applying transform to the instances.
So at the current state a proper warning might sound like "Warning: Multiple objects share the same data, but the selection is mixed or incomplete." "Make single user and then apply transformati…
Alt is occupied with object mode and 3button mouse emulation. There were proposed to change emulation to alt+RMB in order to avoid lots of functional collisions, but it is a separate topic.
For example
"Warning: Multiple objects share the same data."
Assumes that there are no cases when applying transform to multiple objects that shares the same data are technically…
Or am I missing something?
Perhaps that this PR was only to do with changing the words on the confirmation dialog when you select an operator designed to specifically make single user…
Aw, it looks like again only a third of a context has been taken into account during solving the problem. Nevermind...
I think that having ctrl+smb for deselection could be useful, but removing deselecting from shift+smb is not at least for the sake of the consistency across the entire program.
Sounds strange, I thought that applying transforms to instances has been already resolved without making single users...
Loop selection and picking selection allow to use repeat last, which is pretty handy, but selection performed with pick shortest path disallow, while it possibly could. Repeat history has been…
There are other things tgat may benefit from removing from undo stacks, for example - pick shortest path. Say, you made bevel on some edges and you want to make the same bevel on some other edges…
maybe in object mode it could be registered, but not in edit mode?
Object mode fall into the same conditions. For example, when you need to rotate some conplex objectmode selection around a…