Looks like blender 4.3 might have a new feature with caching the bake inside the blender file itself. Would still be good if flamenco could create the simulation itself though.
I've tried to figure out where I would edit code to adjust what files get collected. Maybe here?: [](https://projects.blender.org/studio/flamenco/src/commit/453c57291675d7c3575e49b4db8cc41979533b9…
Tried to add the following python script via --python-eval to no evail:
`import bpy
(obj.select_set(True) for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects); bpy.ops.object.simulation_nodes_cache_bake(sel…
Okay I've narrowed in on the problem. It works fine if I copy over the blendcache_stage folder manually to be beside the blender file. There might also be a bug in blender which causes background…
I have tested it directly on the server now. The error occurs when I run blender from cli. I don't get the error if I open the desktop application and go from there.
I have testing that running it with the same cli arguments that are used on the flamenco server, when run on my local client, work fine.
I rendered with 9999 chunk size in hope of rendering it all on one machine. I couldn't see anything about a -1 or something else to make that happen so just went with that. I just had a test now…
When the result is ready to be sent to a render-farm…
Okay, yup this is geometry nodes specific. When I enabled my light rotating around a null, the light still moves around.
It's rendering! So closing this one is correct :)
But now I am encoutering another issue: #104339
Wanted to say thanks for you hard work and for getting back to me so quickly. I'm running…
Hey! Glad to hear you can reproduce it.
Yea sorry about the version! Maybe I should have written N/A.
I am on Blender Version 4.2.0 (4.2.0 2024-07-16).
From what I can understand, that error is something to do with storing characters in the database that aren't valid for that encoding. Maybe shaman does some encoding?
Apparently that character…