Manuel Friedl K1LLD0Z3R04
  • Joined on 2021-03-20
Manuel Friedl commented on issue blender/blender#107926 2023-07-18 12:26:08 +02:00
Space Mouse not working properly

any news on this one? still not working, or even worse with most recent 3.6.1 version. Not even the cmd, shift etc buttons are working. In the past I managed somehow to get them working after…

Manuel Friedl commented on issue blender/blender#109040 2023-07-13 10:36:53 +02:00
Overlay: Edit Mesh wireframe incorrect bias

For me the issue is also still present, no change in most recent 3.6.1 or 4.0.0 versions.

Manuel Friedl opened issue blender/blender#109865 2023-07-09 11:18:18 +02:00
Strange rendering when activating overlay in edit mode
Manuel Friedl commented on issue blender/blender#107926 2023-05-28 17:40:38 +02:00
Space Mouse not working properly

is there any way to know if there is an daily build available to test if the bug has been fixed? I don't know how this reporting system works. my first reported bug so far.

Manuel Friedl commented on issue blender/blender#107926 2023-05-16 07:42:24 +02:00
Space Mouse not working properly

So are u aware of this issue? It’s been present since 3.0.0 and on the 3DConnexion Forums, devs say it’s not their fault. A lot of people are complaining there about it. I always assumed…

Manuel Friedl opened issue blender/blender#107926 2023-05-14 17:33:50 +02:00
Space Mouse not working properly