Hi, thanks for the report. I'm able to replicate the issue.
Can you check whether this happens when GPU subdivision is disabled?: Edit > Preferences > Viewport > Subdivision > GPU Subdivision
and bpy.ops.object.mode_set()
and bpy.ops.object.mode_set()
Hi, thanks for the report. Identifier value of enum properties of both context-mode and object-mode are different and have separate purposes. see:
Hi, thanks for the report. I'm unable to confirm the issue locally. Could you check after factory reset?: File > Defaults > Load Factory Settings
any time I create a new primitive, the object properties at the bottom left (e.g. to change the cylinder vertex count, etc) is completely grayed out and nothing can be edited.
Hi, thanks for…
Hi, thanks for the report. Please share .blend file with steps to redo the issue.
Hi thanks for the report. Please submit the issue at blender-studio repo which @shwaky has mentioned.
Hi, thanks for the report. This is not a bug. Ref #83133 / #91509:
Dots separate python modules, hence they are not permitted in the directory/module names. See also patches [D12071](https://ar…
Thanks for the report. Please upload .blend file where this happens
Can confirm
Thanks for the report. I can confirm too. 2.83 doesn't select faces that are not visible. there might be a existing report for this but I'm unable to find it at the moment.
Hi, thanks for the report. Some info is missing from the report. Upload .blend file if crash is triggering in particular file. Upload crash logs: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/troublesho…
This report does not contain all the requested information, which is required for us to investigate the issue.
Please submit a new report and carefully follow the instructions. Be sure to…
Thanks for the report. Can confirm this in 3.5/3.6 too.
This report does not contain all the requested information, which is required for us to investigate the issue.
Please submit a new report and carefully follow the instructions. Be sure to…