Laith Flint lflin16
  • Australia
  • Trying to help out when I have some free time.

  • Joined on 2023-09-14
Laith Flint created pull request blender/blender-developer-docs#63 2024-06-05 22:47:03 +02:00
docs: fix broken link
Laith Flint pushed to broken-link at lflin16/blender-developer-docs 2024-06-05 22:45:08 +02:00
50f1d42501 docs: fix broken link
Laith Flint created branch broken-link in lflin16/blender-developer-docs 2024-06-05 22:45:08 +02:00
Laith Flint created repository lflin16/blender-developer-docs 2024-06-05 22:43:22 +02:00
Laith Flint commented on issue blender/blender#112423 2023-09-18 22:02:05 +02:00
Recover Autosave breaks library paths

@PratikPB2123, thanks for confirming. I was planning on farther testing but I am away right now, so limited to mobile devices.

Laith Flint commented on issue blender/blender#112484 2023-09-18 01:29:19 +02:00
Blender leaking .blend file path

It is a trivial task to find someone’s user on the computer they are signed into, and there are a multitude of other ways to find their user, like in your case, (on Linux) running whoami, or…

Laith Flint commented on issue blender/blender#112430 2023-09-16 05:14:26 +02:00
lost 90% of my progress

To farther clarify, (assuming you are on windows), Windows

On a crash, a file is written based on the name of the currently loaded blend-file, so test.blend will create a file called test.crash.…

Laith Flint commented on issue blender/blender#112423 2023-09-15 22:43:30 +02:00
Recover Autosave breaks library paths

I cannot reproduce this problem either on a build of blender 4 that I built from source yesterday. Perhaps its os specific as I only tested on windows. I'll try to test on a fresh install of…

Laith Flint commented on issue blender/blender#110048 2023-09-14 06:41:50 +02:00
Face overlay still not resolve.

Hey, please remember that blender is mostly comprised of volunteers, so please remember to be patient and kind, as the vast majority of people here are not paid. Thanks.

Laith Flint commented on issue blender/blender#112350 2023-09-14 03:05:24 +02:00
Cant choose large amount of objects in blender 4

Could you please include an example .blend file that highlights the problem? This ensures that developers can easily test and can see what the issue is. Thanks!