It was fixed in 4.0 (main). For 3.6 the fix was put on the list To Be Backported. Blender LTS: Maintenance Task 3.6
Can confirm.
I just was added some a historical links to approach, related to this blender/blender#104126 (comment)
Cleanup: Geometry Node: Move some function nodes to use dynamic declarations [Nodes: Temporary socket value save](…
@TheJeran I think, problem in implicit volume conversion to project indices from ome volume topology on other one to make indexing possible.
I can confirm, however this issue has been reported before, see #106563. Will merge reports. Please subscribe in #106563 if you want to see further updates
This report does not contain all the requested information, which is required for us to investigate the issue.
Please submit a new report and carefully follow the instructions. Be sure to…
Thanks for the report, but the issue reported here is a request for modified/improved behavior and not a bug in current behavior. Closing as this bug tracker is only for bugs and errors.
Seeing "Combine Color" in add menu makes sense to you, seeing all this 5-6 options that supposedly do same thing are just confusing and make Add menu place to avoid.
On the one hand, there…
And lastly, especially with color, I want to try different methods to see what result I can get.
If you're doing this while solving your task, chances are you just don't know what you're doing.
@filedescriptor After issuecomment i'm trying to be more careful in this part
const int num = domain_num(curves, domain);
-> curves.attributes().domain_size(domain)
const int num
-> const int domain_size
MutableSpan<T> span = {data, num};
-> `MutableSpan…