Is the transparency fighting something related to the triangle order? All I did was duplicate the head, remove the lower part, work withthe forehead section, snip out the parts to resemble hair…
Clement, after setting the transforms (scale, position) to Zero, I still get the issue I've mentioned in this thread. So how do I resolve this correctly? Before March 2022, on Blender 3.4, this…
The reason this is happening is because the alpha blend objects are sorted by the distance from the camera to the object origin. If you align all their origin point the issue disapear. This is…
Hey @LucianoMunoz, The feature is there. If you switch to edit mode, in the tool panel you will find a 'Rigify Dev Tools' panel displaying the 'Encode Metarig to Python' and '**Encode…
Hi. I am still figuring out if I need another extra parameter to get the back of the glass object (world: transparent). Transmission is set to 1 on the BSDF (this is today's daily 4.2 download).…
Is there an additional setting to activate to get a transparent background? I remember there used to be an option to create transparent glass that would see-through the material in the render…
Materials like this were easy to create with the previous 4.1 EEVEE (Link for referenced effect)
Using alpha to drive SSS transparency in the…
So the correct way to get transparency now, is only through alpha? What about diffraction? depth reflection? In the screenshot, you can see I tried the "transmission" slider to no avail (for…
"The texture space of the render or the texture space of the lens dirt texture" ---> This is why we need ID mattes or Cryptomattes to ID the object instead of the general screen space UV…
@ChengduLittleA what do you mean "you can subscribe here"? I am posting the original thread.
Hello. I did this. Nothing appears from CMD GPU or the other .cmd Blender launch. The text appears blank. However. Blender, in the end, is mismanaging the use of the GPU, as soon as it gets…
"see console". Can't. Because it's closed. What's the next step? Even with CMD default blender, it crashes. The only logic explanation is that I'm running Blender from the E: drive and user…
Default cmd blender launch . Crashed at 23% with the 11.5 GB file I re-generated for the alembic fluid sim file, locally.
yeah, that's the issue: there's no .log file. Blender instant crashes when reaching 15% Also, you may be getting different results, we need another (common) user to load the 5.5GB alembic…