Thanks for the detailed instructions.
Here are the files.
Ok, guys no worries, I appreciate your work. One last question, if ill send you my preference file, could you clean the quick favorites for me, is this possible at all?
@Rockbard - Well if you going to use red, I suggest taking this shade of red from the sidebar icons to maintain the color scheme cohesiveness.
I think that looks quite bad to be…
Well if you going to use red, I suggest taking this shade of red from the sidebar icons to maintain the color scheme cohesiveness.
Sure, this will work, but it also will reset all my other settings, you know.
I think I did it a long time ago when the compositor viewport feature just has been added as a new feature. So it was possible to do it for a short period of time probably.
Hey this is on my todo list for 4.1 it's been 2 years, so I will redo the design proposal also including all the good suggestions that have been made in here
I've been thinking that maybe…
The red color could be too strong and distracting, at least the shade of it in the example that was shown The current implementation with blue color is simple and elegant for my taste.
Ah, I see... That's really sad. Hopefully, VSE will get more love soon. Thanks for getting back to this topic though.
I can confirm that scenes in the Rendered or Material Preview mode are very slow. Allow me suggesting this task should not be closed. I hope that issue will get resolved. Thanks!