Task updated with the proposed color by @pablovazquez and me.
On a related note, the lines of the zone itself should match the thickness of the nodes. At the moment it is a bit thinner:
I believe the option D (external) is a good start point since this is required for production files.
I've been thinking about an alternative. Basically to embrace the concept of checkpoints a bit more.
What is a check-point? Any point in the node-tree that you can bake and use the baked result…
Not sure if related but ... one idea we have for the future is to support multi-touch devices. Imagine someone using 2-fingers to rotate the scene, while using the pen to sculpt (or to transform). …
Does that also work if I add the pair via the Python API without using an operator? e.g., by using: my_node_group.nodes.add.new("GeometryNodeSimulation")
For the records, this patch was discussed here: https://devtalk.blender.org/t/2023-04-04-nodes-physics-module-meeting/28457
For the records, this is the conclusion of the discussions we had at the Blender HQ. Eventually this should be moved to the wiki, to a page explaning the bundled assets.
- License: CC0 *…
There is no ideal solution (other than reverting the behavour back to 3.4 days). So I'm okay with the proposed patch.
We could have a team that has no addition permission and move those developers there.
Sugestion: "All-time Developers".
Task updated with the second milestone, as discussed in the workshop in March 2023. This milestone makes simulation node ready for public usage.
I'm not the best person to look at the code (I could, but I haven't been doing much coding lately). @PratikPB2123 have someone from the UI team to look at it (e..g, @Harley )